Wednesday, April 08, 2015

This is not like that ...


Photo of transsexual receiving communion - reportedly - 
at Pope's Holy Thursday Mass at a Roman prison with 
the following header:
Pope's Holy Thursday Jail Mass Communion to Transsexual
Blasts Wrong Impression Worldwide...

Is so not like this ...

Former Archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, 
cited by Tradition in Action as a protegé of Benedict XVI,
gave Holy Communion to "genderf--k" 
'sisters of perpetual indulgence' in 2007.

Pewsitters condemns the alleged photo of a transsexual receiving Communion on the tongue from a priest during the Holy Father's visit to a Roman jail last week.  I don't know the source for the photo, but I am not surprised nor scandalized by it.  I post it because it is so not like what the second photo I used for this post turns out to be.

In the top photo is an anonymous person identified as transgender.  We don't know that for certain, nor do we know the circumstances surrounding the trans designation.  Ordinary people - even gay people - mistake transgender/transsexual as always something immoral or a variant of 'gay'.  Many consider it drag or transvestite and totally perverted.  Sadly - it's more complicated than that.

I hate it when people say the same sex attracted person suffers from homosexual inclination/same-sex-attraction, however, in the case of transgender persons, I believe there is a very deep degree of suffering.  That a transsexual person was given Holy Communion is certainly not a scandal.

That a transvestite-genderf--k-pretend-nun is given Holy Communion - that's a completely different scenario, and quite probably a type of liturgical/spiritual abuse, as well as a cause for real scandal.  

That said, Melinda Selmys writes about gender-dysphoria, and it is extremely helpful in understanding what all of this may be about.  Selmys' article is titled: "Is There a Place for the Transgendered in the Church?"

God knows there is - so does the Pope.  Giving Communion to a transsexual is definitely NOT the wrong impression for the world.  If that person confessed, was absolved of his/her sins - and one must assume he/she was - there is nothing wrong with that.  We don't know enough to pass judgement - we do not know the clinical diagnosis of strangers, unless they declare it publicly.

In the prayers for the Divine Mercy novena today, I brought all of those who struggle with some form of gender dysphoria to the font of Divine Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in you.

I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces ...
that vessel is this image with the signature, Jesus, I trust in You." By means of
this image, I shall be granting many graces to souls. (327, 742)


  1. A to the Men, Bro!

  2. "We don't know enough to pass judgement - we do not know the clinical diagnosis of strangers, unless they declare it publicly."


    Thank you for addressing the so-called "scandal" in a clear and charitable way. Anything to smear our Holy Father these days is not at all surprising. Sad...

    I did think the same thing though...if the person be transgendered but trying to live a chaste and holy life, then he/she is worthy of receiving Jesus in Holy Communion.

    Same goes for the rest of us.

    1. Of course. I cannot know what they are thinking, feeling, suffering as a result of what I do not fully understand. I respect them enough to leave it between the person, their confessor and Almighty God.

      I would hope the same respect respect is afforded me as I struggle in my walk too.

  3. Unlike the hyoocritical examples of the Radicals Misrepresenting Carholicism, you sir, have provided a great, charitable, positive, and "Franciscan" type merciful example of Catholic blogging. Keep it up Terry. This is truly what we should do.

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