"I'm laughing through my tears!"
The lines are from a song by Sting off his Mercury Is Falling recording. The song keeps going through my head as I read something new online about the new Pope, or hear it on network news. (Charlie Rose BTW, has had excellent interviews with key churchmen ever since the election. Secular news has done a great job so far. As a layman - I appreciate hearing the secular take.) But I digress.
I especially love Rocco Palmo titling the Holy Father, Il Poverello del Vaticano, as well as his notes regarding the new style of the poor Pope. I never, ever thought I would see such things in my lifetime. From Palmo:
Cobbled together from what's floating around, a couple more notes on the new Franciscan Style, all of 36 hours in.
Beyond scaling back the pomp surrounding his early morning stop at St Mary Major – where he spent a solid half hour in prayer before the protectress of Rome, the ancient image of the Salus Populi Romani – this morning's La Repubblica reports that the new Pope wanted his retinue to ensure that the basilica would be kept open to the public during his visit.
"I'm a pilgrim, and I just want to be one among the pilgrims" Papa Francesco reportedly said. [...] Still, Francis did get to greet some of the staff and the confessors of the basilica, whom he urged to "be merciful to souls [who come to you] – they need you."
[...] And on one final symbolic-yet-substantive note, the pontiff has already taken it on himself to extend the simplicity outward.
Defying standard Vatican protocol – as the USCCB's eminent Sister Mary Ann Walsh first noted – Papa Bergoglio called on the cardinals to leave their red choir cassocks aside, and instead wear the less-formal black robes under their albs for last night's Sistine Mass.
Albeit not vested as concelebrants, the request was likewise hewed to by the two archbishops in attendance as the Pope's retinue: the Almoner Guido Pozzo, and the prefect of the Household Georg Gänswein, who remains private secretary to B16. - Il Poverello
I'm so happy, I can't stop crying. It is as if St. Francis came back to become Pope - or Christ himself... I know! I'm laughing through my tears. Tears of joy.