Sunday, October 27, 2024

A Woman's World.


Gold Dust Woman

I never paid much attention to what I considered the political aspect of pro-choice, knowing that I was completely against abortion, especially for convenience. That is a rather smug, dismissive POV however.
I was listening to an interview with Stevie Nicks this morning and was a bit surprised at her reasons for getting an abortion. It would have complicated her relationship with her former lovers and would have interrupted her career. Her success wouldn't exist if she had chosen birth. I've heard several other stories now since the political fight is currently focused upon women's reproductive rights - at the expense of the child in the womb. The trade off, sacrifice a human being for temporal riches, success, independence, whatever - that's rather gruesome. It's also completely pagan.
Like I said, I try not to think about it, since women claim it is their choice. Eve was never so bold, blaming instead, the serpent who tricked her. Harris had a group of doctors at one of her last rallies - they all do abortions. For me the visual was rather sci-fi-horror. (The Nazis were never so bold.) Of course it was to emphasize that doctors run the danger of getting arrested for what they do, if abortion is outlawed. So, what do they do? What is an abortion? When I see photos of the end product, I'm repulsed, a bit terrified that we can do that to yet-unborn, human beings, and I look away, never wanting to see an image like that again. Nevertheless, I know a human being has been slaughtered, legally. It's considered a human right.
Somehow, we've numbed ourselves to this reality - we've anesthetized ourselves to the truth.
"Because of the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold"