Straight Advocates of same-sex marriage.
Any opposition or criticism to anything related to gay sex, gay culture, gay marriage, and the homosexualist movement is now considered a "vicious" attack upon all persons with homosexual inclination. Indeed, Congress passed the hate crimes bill providing gay people with special protections, a move which could likely lead to criminalizing Catholic/Christian teaching on the subject.
Under the "hate-crimes" legislation, pastors could be prosecuted for preaching the biblical view of homosexuality. Similar laws have been used to prosecute religious speech in the U.S. and abroad.
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, hosted a special meeting last night to highlight the dangers and concerns related to the bill.
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, hosted a special meeting last night to highlight the dangers and concerns related to the bill.
“Under this legislation, justice will no longer be equal," he said before the meeting. "Instead, justice will depend on the … protected status of the victim, setting up different penalties for the same crime.
“Under this legislation, justice will no longer be equal," he said before the meeting. "Instead, justice will depend on the … protected status of the victim, setting up different penalties for the same crime.
"I support continuing the American tradition of equal justice under the law, and I oppose this unconstitutional ‘thought crimes’ bill.” - Source
"I support continuing the American tradition of equal justice under the law, and I oppose this unconstitutional ‘thought crimes’ bill.” - Source
I believe such laws have been enacted in Canada and the European Union, and it is a work in progress in Brazil. Brazilian President Luiz Lula is promising homosexual leaders that he will continue to seek to criminalize speech that is critical of homosexuality. - Source
When homosexuality is politically opportune.
The Governor of New York, "David Paterson, whose approval ratings have plummeted to all-time lows, has recently deflected attention from the poor state of the economy in New York and begun to publicly push for same-sex "marriage" in the state." - Source
Paterson is lying. He is playing into the hands of gay activists and homosexualists, joining them in revisionist distortions of history. He is using gays to promote himself. Gays in turn are using him to promote their agenda.
Accusing religious leaders of opposing same sex marriage out of guilt, Paterson stated, ""Where were these leaders of faith when college students of gay and lesbian orientation were beaten and often brutalized for expressing their feelings for each other?" he asked during a speech at the "LGBT Equality Justice Day" event." - Source
Is he nuts? When was there such a mass persecution across college campuses? Certainly there have been male and female students and adults beaten or killed in gay bashing, but crimes such as these have never been sanctioned and are against the law. Yes, horrible crimes have been committed, I think of Matthew Shepherd, the kid who was beaten and set on fire - although some say it wasn't a gay bashing, but a robbery and senseless beating. I don't know - sounded like a gay bashing to me.
That is not my point however. What about mothers who kill their kids, women who are beaten and raped and murdered by husbands, boyfriends and men who hate women? What about child molesters and killers, and all the other crimes committed against human beings? We already have laws against these crimes, my question is why do gays feel the need for special protection under the law? They already have equal protection under the law.
The blind leading the blind - makes no sense.
Paterson further went on to support his accusations and play into the favor of LGBT activists who know better, as he asked "why religious leaders didn’t speak out in protection of homosexuals in the past, saying that they were silent when gays were "collectively blamed" for the expansion of HIV in the early 1980s."
Actually, the Catholic Church never got into the blame game, and the Catholic Church was the first to minister to and care for these people.
"Contrary to the governor's claim that opponents of same-sex "marriage" were silent in the 1980s, Dennis Poust, the Director of Communication for the New York Catholic Conference, said that the Catholic Church in New York was "one of the first responders" to the AIDS crisis. "We’ll hold our record up against anyone’s when it comes to supporting the dignity of all people, including homosexual men and women" he said.
"The governor in his remarks, that was the most offensive thing, was the idea that we somehow didn’t do anything for people with AIDS," Poust said. The Church was the first to react in the early ‘80s to the HIV crises, by establishing clinics and care facilities for people suffering from the "death sentence," he emphasized. At the time, recalled Poust, Governor Mario Cuomo "praised the Church for really being the leader in the entire state of serving those with this deadly disease." - Source
All in the family.
According to Poust, Director of Communication for the New York Catholic Conference, society is seeing the results of "casual divorce" from the '70s and the "out of wedlock children" of the '80s, as the children of this generation now have "all these [psychological] problems" and warned that if gay "marriage" is passed, we will see a "further devaluation of the traditional family" and the result will be a "disaster."
Once again, I am reminded of Cardinal Siri's warnings concerning the change of feminine psychology and the harmful effects upon the family:
"The changing of feminine psychology does fundamental and, in the long run, irreparable damage to the family, to conjugal fidelity, to human affections and to human society. True, the effects of wearing unsuitable dress are not all to be seen within a short time. But one must think of what is being slowly and insidiously worn down, torn apart, perverted.
Why, we ask, ever since men have been men, or rather since they became civilized -- why have men in all times and places been irresistibly borne to make a differentiated division between the functions of the two sexes? Do we not have here strict testimony to the recognition by all mankind of a truth and a law above man?
The consequences of such violations are not a new outline of man, but disorders, hurtful instability of all kinds, the frightening dryness of human souls, the shattering increase in the number of human castaways, driven long since out of people's sight and mind to live out their decline in boredom, sadness and rejection. Aligned on the wrecking of the eternal norms are to be found the broken families, lives cut short before their time, hearths and homes gone cold, old people cast to one side, youngsters willfully degenerate and -- at the end of the line -- souls in despair and taking their own lives. All of which human wreckage gives witness to the fact that the "line of God" does not give way, nor does it admit of any adaption to the delirious dreams of the so-called philosophers! - Source
Photo: Members of the Nazi Brown Shirts, known as the SA (an acronym for Sturmabteilung). The SA leader, Ernst Rohm, a close friend of Hitler, and a known homosexual, was eventually murdered by the SS in a purge which became known as The Night of the Longknives. There is evidence homosexuality was more or less condoned within the SA, to what extent has often been disputed. Link removed.