Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sharing a comment on the new "Golden Age"

This is for my archives and reference.  It's pertinent to what is happening these days.

 Ron Park

Fr. Seraphim Rose cautioned against the allure of the so-called "Golden Age," a concept popularized by the Theosophical Society and deeply embedded in New Age ideology. This idea gained further traction through Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy, which drew inspiration from Carl Jung's promotion of the Age of Aquarius. These movements collectively frame the Golden Age as a utopian era of spiritual enlightenment and harmony within the existing world.
Fr. Seraphim Rose, heavily influenced by René Guénon's The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, critiqued this notion. Guénon's work, while not written from an Orthodox Christian perspective, served as a prophetic analysis of modernity's descent into materialism and spiritual deception. Guénon emphasized the importance of authentic Tradition and was highly critical of the syncretistic mysticism promoted by Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement.
From an Orthodox Christian viewpoint, the "Golden Age" represents a chiliastic, utopian delusion—a counterfeit hope that aligns with the goals of the Beast and the Antichrist. This so-called Pax Mundi, sought by many as a form of "Heaven on Earth" utopia, deviates from true eschatology.
Orthodox belief does not envision an earthly paradise but looks forward to "a new heaven and a new earth," for Christ’s reign is not of this cosmos.
This is an excerpt from Heiromonk Damascene's biography of Fr. Seraphim Rose:
"The modern partisans of progress, Guénon asserted, are deluded in expecting a “golden age” to dawn within the present time cycle. “Their error,” he (Rose) wrote, “in its most extreme form, will be that of the Antichrist himself when he claims to bring the ‘golden age’ into being through the reign of the ‘counter-tradition,’ and when he even gives it an appearance of authenticity, purely deceitful and ephemeral though it be, by means of a counterfeit of the traditional idea of the Sanctum Regnum.”
Let us not forget that while Trump has restored a sense of order and growth to the American nation by countering some of the disintegration caused by the Radical Left, he is also backed by some of the most powerful technocratic oligarchs in the world. These figures, ironically, share the same ultimate goal as the World Economic Forum’s technocratic "Reset." A glance at Klaus Schwab's writings reveals that the transhumanist ideologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution align closely with the ambitions of figures like Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos. These individuals collectively control social media, e-commerce, algorithmic advertisment, drone technology, space exploration, robotics, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, virtual/augmented reality, automated vehicles, and the Internet of Things.
While the technocrats initially sought to achieve their "Final Revolution" through the ideologies of wokeism, sustainability, inclusivity, and equity—leveraging their political alliances with classical liberals—they have now shifted their alignment to the Right, with Trump fully supporting them.
These forces play either side, depending on who holds the reins of power.
Be warned: as long as Trump continues to empower these technocrats and transhumanists, the very same "Beast system" they were building through the Left will still come to fruition, albeit through an authoritarian and Nationalistic guise, feeding off American Jingoism.