My favorite lines from the film:
Rose: I just want you to know no matter what you do, you're gonna die, just like everybody else.
Cosmo Castorini: Thank you, Rose.
So anyway - once again I'm reminding everyone that I'm taking a break from the blog - seems like a lot of people are doing so. Do you realize I haven't even been reading other blogs? Maybe 2 or 3 at the most. I'm soooooooooooo bored with blogs...and blogging. So I need a break.
Yeah, "it's not you - it's me."
Post Script:
Just a question here before I go: Why do people get so upset about death? Or panic and push someone, insisting they must rush to the Dr. when something is wrong with them? All of us are going to die. I don't think Christians should get so upset about dying - after all, it is what we prepare for. Jesus wasn't all freaked out about it, he didn't go kicking and screaming. "He was led like a lamb to the slaughter." So why do we spend billions of dollars to avoid it? No wonder non-Christians question our faith, when we exhibit such fear of death. (No - that wasn't a question.)