Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Well Researched Reply to Fr. Z.

From an expert on Fatima.

Kevin Symonds is a man I believe is a reliable expert on Fatima and the writings of Sr. Lucia - I would call him a Fatima scholar.  I don't know him personally but I have read his work and what he writes on his blog.

Symonds responded politely to Fr. Z's post on the vision of the Third Secret, wherein he speculates that it may have foretold two popes in the scenario.  Kevin offered to explain another dimension of the vision which would better accord with the theological exegesis offered by Cardinal Ratzinger.  (More or less.)  He politely asked him to 'refer to the book he had written on the Secret.  Fr. Z seemed to rebuff the idea, and stuck to his theory.

Kevin Symonds wrote a reply.

Actually, posting a separate reply on his blog is a good idea, because if he tried to comment a second time on Fr. Z's site, he might find himself blocked.  That said - I'll post an excerpt from Kevins post.

Under my comment, Fr. Z. responded in his characteristic red comments in brackets: 
[Refer me? Send me the book. And the fact remains: that’s how she described it. Facts are stubborn.] 
In his post, Fr. Z. associates the text “‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror…” with the text after it (the Bishop dressed in white). Thus, Fr. Z. wonders if the phrase is about two popes as in a mirror image.
So, is his interpretation correct? I have some thoughts on this question and submit them to the reader for consideration. 
(As Cardinal Ratzinger noted) "In the “mirror” of this vision we see passing before us the witnesses of the faith decade by decade." 
It is, therefore, clear that the Church herself understands the “mirror” and “light” analogy to be referring to God. It is not a literal mirror that the Pope passed by and saw a reflection. 
Lastly, if the Pope passed by some mirror in the vision of the third part of the secret, what about the others in the vision? Did they do so as well? It would seem to follow logically. After all, everyone specified in the vision are all headed to the same place–the cross. Curiously, they are not mentioned as having passed by some mirror. 
Sr. Lúcia lacked theological, spelling and grammatical finesse in her writings, as is generally acknowledged.[4] She was, however, gifted with prophecy and wisdom in her simplicity. As I have said elsewhere, you have to pay attention to mystics as they are subtle people; one can miss something very important if care is not taken. In the present case, it seems plausible that Sr. Lúcia employed the “mirror” analogy in order to explain the manner in which the three visionaries saw the vision that is the third part of the secret of Fátima.  - A Reply to Fr. Z
An Observation:

In his footnotes, Kevin mentioned his appreciation for Fr. Sotello's comment on the more accepted theory of what Sr. Lucia meant in describing the vision as 'seeing people  passing by as in a mirror'.  I was happy with his comment as well, however I believe he misquotes something Our Lady said:  "Rather, she reinforces the phrase made earlier by Our Lady at Fatima, that “the Holy Father will have much to suffer for.”"  I've never read it in that way.  I've always understood Our Lady's words to be, "the Holy Father will have much to suffer", not "suffer for".  To 'suffer for' makes it sound like the Holy Father is being punished.  That was never the sense I had from Our Lady's words.

Monday, January 27, 2020

A Lutheran Convert in Our Lady's Court.

Don't even go there Fr. Z ... please.

Fr. Z sees 2 popes in the Fatima Secret.  No.  No. No.  Gosh!

About that secret.  Cardinal Ratzinger pretty much summed it up.  However, those who do not know how to deal with the retirement of a reigning Pontiff need to see some sort of extraordinary judgment on that.  C'mon.

What bothers me?  Not the part about persecution.  That’s a given.
Speculating on the Third Secret, Fr. Z goes on to observe:
Note that reference to seeing an image like to that of an image in a mirror.
When you see someone pass in front of a mirror, you see two of them, the real one and the image. Two.
Hence, in this case, the vision involved seeing two figures dressed in white, one being the real one and the other being the image of the real one. And, according to the description, Lúcia says she saw whom she took to be the Pope and a figure that was not the Pope but an image like the Pope.
One figure the Pope and the other, close by, as in a mirror, not the Pope but looking like the Pope. - Fr. Z
He tries, I know.  I hope he prays his rosary.  Deeply, and consistently.  Devoutly.  Then Our Lady will never permit silly distortions like this to continue.  Our Lady did not put on a show or a morality tale.

On this day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just remember, Our Lady at Fatima never mentioned by name her people who died in the camps.  Our Divine Mother encompasses all of humanity - she never enters into politics, much less the way the Petrine Office is conducted - EXCEPT to request prayers for the reigning Pontiff - at any time in history.

Stop playing with the secret.  Stop manipulating it for your agenda.  Our Lady is obedient to her Son, to the Church He established, and She is Mother of the Church.  Children and simple souls understand her message - they don't ever use it to condemn or judge, much worse, to play Pope against a retired Pope.  The secret is unfolding - no doubt - but not how those who should know better attempt to interpret it.

When repairs are needed.

"Jesus, repair what I have done badly!"

When we fail, when we are tempted to rebel against those who find out our faults and imperfections, we too can remain silent, asking our Lord to undo, to repair what we've done badly, that no one may be lost because of our bad example.  If others are scandalized by our failings, we can have confidence Jesus will repair and draw forth a greater good.  I think this is a secret of His Sacred Heart, as well as the key to the devotion to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots.  When others condemn us, we can even rejoice to be found imperfect and in need of God's mercy!

"A notion which is not widespread and which, nevertheless, is very important is that Jesus, when we ask him with confidence, repairs not only the evil we have done in ourselves, but also the evil we have done around us.

Indeed, he has made all things right in me, but what about the evil I have done to others?  The bad example I have set, the scandal I have given, the good I would have been able to do and did not do, the injustice I committed?  I am set aright myself, but what about the others?

Say then, 'Jesus, from this evil also which I have wrought around me, draw forth good.  Even, I dare to ask you, draw a greater good from it than if I had not done the evil... Jesus, make reparation in me and around me.'" - I Believe In Love, Pere Jean du Coeur de Jesus D'Elbee