And yet dare to speak.
Michael Jackson converted to Islam. I wonder if he will have to wear a burka?
Now that Obama is president-elect, will Kwanza be celebrated in the White House?
I wonder if we are going through the collapse of the United States - I think we are financially.
People without health insurance sometimes ration their meds and then they get sick.
Did you know Kwanza is a late 20th century invention? It's like Festivus from Seinfeld - only more subversive.
I think something is wrong (mentally) with Madonna.
Has anyone started criticizing Michelle Obama's taste in clothes? That black and red Rodriquez was pretty ugly. Otherwise she kind of dresses like Jackie Kennedy - 1960's socialite.
Jennifer Anniston can't act, can she. I realized most pop stars can't, just like many singers can't sing.
Did you know that refined people once looked down upon theater people as rather vulgar and considered their lifestyle scandalous? Refined people also never publicly discussed wealth in terms of money or property either, yet that is all that matters to most people today.
Today we remember the assassination of JFK. If he was alive today he would be as pro-abortion as the rest of his "Catholic" family. Maria Shriver recently stated she is a cafeteria Catholic - aren't they all? (Pretty much all of the Kennedys and most Catholics, that is. Catholic education was wasted upon many.)
Sometimes I think that the use of the pill is one of the reasons so many women get breast cancer, and that there could be a link to the increase of autism and stuff like that.
Mel Gibson has a lot of issues doesn't he. (Not a question.)
For a couple of years now, the recession in the advertising industry has been ignored - until now that it is beginning to affect other industries: Magazines, writers, photographers, designers, sales people, and so on. That said, it had its beginings in the slowdown of manufacturing home goods, which affected retail as well. (It is all inter-depenedent.) Of course it has to do with the housing crises... which led us to the credit crises we are now in. It is just going to get worse and worse. Politicians and financial people have been lying to us, and Americans bought into the lie and lived on credit. Consumer credit debt will take the next fall. And all of that pretend money will not be able to bail anyone out either.
This week Thanksgiving marks the beginning of secular Christmas! I love the holidays. For the first time in decades, Americans may be able to understand what the season is truly about. "Poor Christmas" - it's a good thing.
Anyway - if you ever wonder what goes through my mind - it's stuff like that. (Love that song!)