Witches holiday.
It really is a witches holiday - Christianized of course, only to be re-paganized for our times. It is amazing how many adults celebrate it with cross-dressing and other stimulants - and many do not limit themselves to the last day in October any longer either.
No they don't Michael Jackson. We are living in a culture that accepts men dressed as women, and women as men; young girls dressed as sluts, and young men dressed like clowns; drag queens dressed like nuns, and nuns dressed like business women; Brides dressed as grooms, grooms as brides; and finally, even public nudity and sex. (San Francisco... Folsom St. festival...) Not to forget we are now capable of making our own Frankenstein monsters as well... clone-o-rama!
Yeah, so Halloween isn't just for a day anymore, it is a lifestyle.