Saturday, June 06, 2009
Wings crush Pens!

Luis Buñuel - Simon Del Deserto
St. Simon Stylite is tempted by the devil in the form of a woman and is transported to 1964 in this cut. It is an extraordinary scene.
After I left the monastery, I arrived in Boston - to live as a sort of urban hermit. I wandered southern Europe as a pilgrim for awhile, until discouraged by my weakness, I returned to Boston hoping to return to monastic life.
One Saturday on my way to the North End, a convertible stopped at an intersection I was crossing, and "Love Hangover " by Diana Ross was playing on the radio.
That night I went out to a disco. The music was thundering and throbbing - I could actually feel the mix concocted by the DJ, and along with the lights and the smoke and the people dancing, it seemed to me I had entered into the antichamber of hell...
Someone offered me a joint, I smoked a little, got a drink, and never found my way back to the monastery, except for an occasional retreat.
12 steps, 18 steps, how many steps are there in a conversion?

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Extraordinary mystical phenomena.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The Shah of America.

A State Department source told the Washington Times that the party “throws gasoline on the fire” of Islamic insurgency and strengthens the perception that America is promoting decadence." - Source
Jesus People - Episode 1
This is soooooooooo funny.
A friend sent me the link. A person from Barb Nicolosi's Act-Up - or is it Act- I ?... LOL! Something like that. Anyway, he created the sit-com, obviously inspired by The Office and maybe even Christopher Guest's work. The episodes are comic views of Christian situations. Since they are created by Christians, it really is a case of Christians making fun of themselves...... Just remember, it's comedy.
My friend included this in her email: "when you've lived in Steubenville for any length of time, you'll find them very funny."
I have never lived in Steubenville - I visited - but the video is funny without the Steubenville exxperience.
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, The 22 Martyrs of Uganda. Martyred 1886-1887

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Playing Mass.

Dissident groups and individuals love to play Mass, imagining themselves to be returning to a more primitive and therefore more inclusive and authentic worship of God. In effect all they are doing is mimicking the Catholic Mass, while inventing novelties and committing sacrilege. Pope Pius XII warned against such things in Mediator Dei, his encyclical on the Liturgy.
39. The Church is a society, and as such requires an authority and hierarchy of her own. Though it is true that all the members of the Mystical Body partake of the same blessings and pursue the same objective, they do not all enjoy the same powers, nor are they all qualified to perform the same acts. The divine Redeemer has willed, as a matter of fact, that His Kingdom should be built and solidly supported, as it were, on a holy order, which resembles in some sort the heavenly hierarchy.
59. The Church is without question a living organism, and as an organism, in respect of the sacred liturgy also, she grows, matures, develops, adapts and accommodates herself to temporal needs and circumstances, provided only that the integrity of her doctrine be safeguarded. This notwithstanding, the temerity and daring of those who introduce novel liturgical practices, or call for the revival of obsolete rites out of harmony with prevailing laws and rubrics, deserve severe reproof.
The liturgy of the early ages is most certainly worthy of all veneration. But ancient usage must not be esteemed more suitable and proper, either in its own right or in its significance for later times and new situations, on the simple ground that it carries the savor and aroma of antiquity. [61]
63. Clearly no sincere Catholic can refuse to accept the formulation of Christian doctrine more recently elaborated and proclaimed as dogmas by the Church, under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit with abundant fruit for souls, because it pleases him to hark back to the old formulas. No more can any Catholic in his right senses repudiate existing legislation of the Church to revert to prescriptions based on the earliest sources of canon law. Just as obviously unwise and mistaken is the zeal of one who in matters liturgical would go back to the rites and usage of antiquity, discarding the new patterns introduced by disposition of divine Providence to meet the changes of circumstances and situation. - Source
One would do well to read the entire encyclical - it is quite profound.
Bird droppings.

Peace and love and all that crap...
Monday, June 01, 2009
The Tiller Shooter
But the shooter's background should come as no surprise whatsoever - he appears to have been a member of a group Homeland Security most likely identifies as right-wing extremists. Obviously some of these people can be dangerous. And people close to him must have known that.
"I know that he (Scott P. Roeder) believed in justifiable homicide," said Regina Dinwiddie, a Kansas City abortion opponent who made headlines in 1995 when she was ordered by a federal judge to stop using a bullhorn within 500 feet of any abortion clinic. "I know he very strongly believed that abortion was murder and that you ought to defend the little ones, both born and unborn." - Source
Sadly, all of us who are pro-life and anti-abortion, are going to stand accused along with this guy. I've worked with people like Roeder - but these unstable types do not represent the Roman Catholic Church or the pro-life movement, no matter how sincere their convictions.
All I have to say is, we shouldn't worry too much about the backlash, of all people, Christians should remain calm and at peace. "Do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring in your midst. It is a test for you but it should not catch you off guard. Happy are you when you are insulted for the sake of Christ, for then God's Spirit in its glory has come to rest on you. See to it that none of you suffers for being a murderer, a thief, a malefactor, or a destroyer of another's rights. If anyone suffers for being a Christian however, he ought not to be ashamed. He should rather glorify God in virtue of that name." - 1 Peter 4: 12-19
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The assasination of George Tiller.
The Wichita Eagle was reporting on its Web site, Kansas.com, that Tiller, 67, was shot just after 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church, where he was a member of the congregation.
Tiller has been among the few U.S. physicians performing late-term abortion. His clinic has repeatedly been the site of protests for about two decades." - Source
Pray for the mercy of God upon Dr. Tiller's soul and for his murderer to be caught and brought to justice.
"The season of judgment has begun, and begun with God's own household." 1 Peter 4: 12-19
The Holy Spirit, giver of Life.
Amazingly, the Holy Father's 1986 letter focuses a great deal of attention upon sin, the original sin and the Holy Spirit's convincing concerning sin. Perhaps that is why one rarely hears the encyclical referenced - at least I don't. Nevertheless, it is a little book I refer to often and meditate frequently, and not just during Easter season.
JPII referred to Genesis frequently in his writings, a fact not isolated to his development of his theology of the body, the study of which necessitates the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His mission to "convince the world concerning sin".
Anyway, as long as we are on the subject of TOB, Dawn Eden hosts a guest blogger, Fr. Angelo Mary Geiger, expressing his point of view regarding the debate and content of Christopher West's teachings on the subject. The ensuing discussion in the com-box is also compelling. Read it here.
(Yes, I like Dawn Eden now.)
The Holy Spirit
According to the Book of Genesis, 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil' was to express and constantly remind man of the 'limit' impassable for a created being." - Pope John Paul II, On the Holy Spirit