Watch out who and what you read online. Practice discernment regarding what people claim in their posts, on their sidebars, or in their comment box, even in their blogrolls - this goes for the so-called orthodox as well as anyone else. It is just common sense.
Keep this motto in mind: "Remember the Legion" in reference to the deceptive ways of the Legionaries and their founder, Fr. Maciel. Claiming orthodoxy and posting rah-rah stuff for the Pope, the TLM, and photos of the cappa magna and yards of lace, or numerous devotionals is not always a guarantee of experiential knowledge, infallibility, virtue, or even correct catechises. When it comes to instructing or recommending things to their readers, if in doubt, do question the author's status, authority, qualifications and/or permissions, as well as their sources. Do your homework.
This advice coming from a guy who gets deleted from good Catholic blogrolls all of the time. On a forum recently, I read a guy's response to a post I did about signing petitions, and he asked, "Who the hell is Terry Nelson?" See, that is good to ask.
I won't be fooled again..
Today I came upon a blog post promoting a deceased man's writings, Anthony de Mello, as well as a priest follower of his work who is offering a feature on his e-parish website promoting so-called contemplative prayer. Obviously the folks falling for this crap are either too young or uninformed to recall or know de Mello's works carry a notification from the CDF - going back to the late 1990's. The CDF's notification ends with the following statement:
With the present Notification, in order to protect the good of the Christian faithful, this Congregation declares that the above-mentioned positions are incompatible with the Catholic faith and can cause grave harm. - Source
The document is signed by Cardinal Ratzinger.
Therefore, even if a priest uses only portions of de Mello's work, I'm somewhat dubious. Is he guided by the Holy Spirit? Remember, there is great gain in religion, as Paul wrote to Timothy, especially when you have a donate button or happen to be offering online services.
BTW - So who the hell am I? I'm an ordinary Roman Catholic single male who strives to live according to the teachings of the Church, keep the Commandments, practice prayer, try to do penance, frequent the sacraments, and practice works of charity, and though I fail numerous times a day, I keep trying. And when I write something - I check and double check my sources.