But the cantor at Mass tonite sounded like Catherine O'Hara singing. When Fr. started his intro to the penetential rite at Mass, he sounded like Homer Simpson. I had not been drinking either. It's probably just too much TV.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Hate Crimes Bill... Sneaking its way through Congress.
"Democrats should stop using our troops and their families as a vehicle for their political games." - Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.)
The hate crimes measure was attached to a $680-billion defense policy bill, which included a 3.4% pay increase for the military and authorization for the development of a new engine for the next-generation jet fighter, among other items. - Source
Republicans have complained they were placed in a politically awkward postion - that if they voted against the bill they would be demonized as voting against military personal and their families. Both sides of the aisle have resorted to similar tactics to get controversial measures through - which is why a line item veto option is so important. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter in this case, since Obama supports the measure. The bill is before the Senate now and should have no trouble passing.
So what's wrong with the bill? A couple of things: Among others, the measure has the potential of prohibiting free speech and freedom of religion: A homily providing Catholic teaching on homosexual acts as intrinsically disordered and sinful could be construed as a hate-crime or inciting hate - especially if a member of the Church had been accused of an actual hate crime. Blame the priest - blame the Church. It happens in Canada and Europe already. The measure also has the potential of limiting American's right to free speech. In effect, the measure amounts to "thought crimes" legislation and singles out a politically privleged group for special protections. It's another aspect of the nanny state - Big Brother will take care of you as long as you conform to the plan. It is a control measure - another liberty surrendered to placate a special interest.
Thus far, it seems to me, our justice system adequately provides all necessary protections the American people require - excluding unborn infants of course. Violent crime committed against any person is already against the law in this country. In addition, we have a legal system which allows for lawsuits and settlements of disputes arising from workplace discrimination, defamation of character, calumny, slander, and many other violations of individual rights and freedoms.
"The real reason for hate crime laws is not the defense of human beings from crime. There are already laws against that - and Matthew Shepard's murderers were successfully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in a state with no hate crimes law at the time. The real reason for the invention of hate crimes was a hard-left critique of conventional liberal justice and the emergence of special interest groups which need boutique legislation to raise funds for their large staffs and luxurious buildings." - Andrew Sullivan.
Tomorrow the gays march in Washington, after a special address from the President tonight. Even Barney Frank thinks the march is over-kill:
Rep. Barney Frank, an openly gay member of Congress, says he'd rather see gay rights supporters lobbying their elected officials than marching in Washington this weekend, calling the demonstration "a waste of time at best."
Frank said in an interview with The Associated Press that he considers such demonstrations to be "an emotional release" that does little to pressure Congress.
"The only thing they're going to be putting pressure on is the grass," the Massachusetts Democrat said Friday.
Thousands of gay men and women are expected to gather for Sunday's National Equality March.
Organizers say the march is only part of a broader effort that includes the kind of lobbying Frank is urging.
"We hear Congressman Frank when he says this is about getting back into your district and doing the work there," said Kip Williams, co-director of the march. But he said the march in Washington "is about building community and building a network who will go back and do that work." - Source
Yet they say there is no agenda.
And they don't want us to say anything about it either...
Many are called, few are chosen.
"It should not frighten you that in the Church the bad are many and the good few...
'For many are called, but few are chosen.'
Dearest brethren, we should fear with a great fear the words we have just now heard. All we here present, already called through faith, have come to the marriage of the Heavenly King. We believe and confess the mystery of His Incarnation, and we partake of the banquet of the Divine Word. But in a day to come the King of judgement will enter in among us.
That we are called, we know; that we are chosen, we do not know. And so the more each one of us knows not whether he is chosen, so much the more do we need to humble ourselves in humility. There are, we know, those who do not even begin to do good; and some who do not remain constant in the good works they begin. Another is seen to pass almost his whole life in evil-doing, but close to the end he is drawn back from wickedness through tears of earnest repentance. Another seems to lead the life of one of the elect, and yet it happens that at the end of his life he will turn aside to the wickedness of heresy. Another begins well, and ends even better; while another, from his first years, gives himself to every evil, and growing ever worse than himself is destroyed in the midst of these very evils. In the measure therefore that each one knows not what is yet to come, in that measure should he live in fear and anxiety for himself before God: for, and let us say it over and over again, and let us never forget it: many are called, but few are chosen." - Saint Gregory the Great (Entire homily at Rorate Caeli.)
Art: Ladder of St. John Climacus - Source
'For many are called, but few are chosen.'
Dearest brethren, we should fear with a great fear the words we have just now heard. All we here present, already called through faith, have come to the marriage of the Heavenly King. We believe and confess the mystery of His Incarnation, and we partake of the banquet of the Divine Word. But in a day to come the King of judgement will enter in among us.
That we are called, we know; that we are chosen, we do not know. And so the more each one of us knows not whether he is chosen, so much the more do we need to humble ourselves in humility. There are, we know, those who do not even begin to do good; and some who do not remain constant in the good works they begin. Another is seen to pass almost his whole life in evil-doing, but close to the end he is drawn back from wickedness through tears of earnest repentance. Another seems to lead the life of one of the elect, and yet it happens that at the end of his life he will turn aside to the wickedness of heresy. Another begins well, and ends even better; while another, from his first years, gives himself to every evil, and growing ever worse than himself is destroyed in the midst of these very evils. In the measure therefore that each one knows not what is yet to come, in that measure should he live in fear and anxiety for himself before God: for, and let us say it over and over again, and let us never forget it: many are called, but few are chosen." - Saint Gregory the Great (Entire homily at Rorate Caeli.)
Art: Ladder of St. John Climacus - Source
Friday, October 09, 2009
Fr. Federico Lombardi: Has anyone ever done a background check on this guy?
Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told L’Osservatore Romano that President Obama’s reception of the award “is greeted with appreciation by the Vatican” due to his efforts “to promote peace in the international arena, particularly in the recent effort in favor of the nuclear disarmament." - Source
Fine artist.
Rome, Italy, Oct 9, 2009 / 06:24 am (CNA).- As the October 11 canonization of the Fr. Damien de Veuster approaches, an art teacher is leading a small group from Hawaii to Rome to present Pope Benedict XVI with a portrait of the saint painted by an artist paralyzed by Lou Gehrig’s Disease, also known as ALS.
Fr. Damien, a hero to Hawaiians, ministered to a major leper colony on Molokai where he contracted and eventually succumbed to leprosy in the late nineteenth century. - Read more.
It is an amazing work, reminiscent of Van Gough. View larger image here.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Our Lady of Good Remedy
October 8 is the feast of Our Lady of Good Remedy. Please pray for my friend Michael R. who will be undergoing brain surgery next week on the 13 of October. Thank you!
800 years ago Christians were being captured and sold into slavery by the thousands, and nobody knew what to do about it. Then, in the year 1198, a man had an idea. St. John of Matha founded the Trinitarians to go to the slave markets, buy the Christian slaves and set them free. To carry out this plan, the Trinitarians needed large amounts of money. So, they placed their fund-raising efforts under the patronage of Mary. They were so successful at that, over the centuries, the Trinitarians were able to free thousands and thousands of people and to return them safely home. In gratitude for her miraculous assistance, St. John of Matha honored Mary with the title of "Our Lady of Good Remedy." Devotion to Mary under this ancient title is widely known in Europe and Latin America, and the Church celebrates her feast day on October 8.
O QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, Most Holy Virgin, we venerate thee. Thou art the beloved Daughter of the Most High God, the chosen Mother of the Incarnate Word, the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Vessel of the Most Holy Trinity.
O Mother of the Divine Redeemer, who under the title of Our Lady of Good Remedy comes to the aid of all who call upon thee, extend thy maternal protection to us. We depend on thee, Dear Mother, as helpless and needy children depend on a tender and caring mother.
Hail, Mary....
O LADY OF GOOD REMEDY, source of unfailing help, grant that we may draw from thy treasury of graces in our time of need.
Touch the hearts of sinners, that they may seek reconciliation and forgiveness. Bring comfort to the afflicted and the lonely; help the poor and the hopeless; aid the sick and the suffering. May they be healed in body and strengthened in spirit to endure their sufferings with patient resignation and Christian fortitude.
Hail, Mary....
DEAR LADY OF GOOD REMEDY, source of unfailing help, thy compassionate heart knows a remedy for every affliction and misery we encounter in life. Help me with thy prayers and intercession to find a remedy for my problems and needs, especially for... (Indicate your special intentions here).
On my part, O loving Mother, I pledge myself to a more intensely Christian lifestyle, to a more careful observance of the laws of God, to be more conscientious in fulfilling the obligations of my state in life, and to strive to be a source of healing in this broken world of ours.
Dear Lady of Good Remedy, be ever present to me, and through thy intercession, may I enjoy health of body and peace of mind, and grow stronger in the faith and in the love of thy Son, Jesus.
Hail, Mary.....
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of Good Remedy,
R. That we may deepen our dedication to thy Son, and make the world alive with His Spirit. Link
St. Michael of the Saints, pray for us. Link
See, this is a big, big deal: NAMBLA
Man-boy love is a much bigger deal than most people are willing to acknowledge. Few could even imagine such deviant behavior until it is exposed to the light - something that usually happens only after the arrest of a predator, as was the case with Canadian Bishop Lahey. Today it has come to light that the French Minister of Culture (who defended Polanski), may also be involved in the international industry - a charge he has denied thus far.
France's culture minister is struggling to keep his job amid an uproar about a 2005 book in which he details Bangkok's brothels and the pleasure and freedom of paying "boys" for sex.
Frederic Mitterrand's candid tale came back to haunt him after he jumped to the defense of filmmaker Roman Polanski, currently in a Swiss prison on U.S. charges relating to his sexual liaison with a 13-year-old girl when he was 43.
The affair is awkward for France and especially French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose embrace of non-conservatives such as Mitterrand has upset his ruling UMP party. Mitterrand's critics say it's about child sex tourism, which France's government is campaigning against. But it also involves a politician's sex life, which many French consider private business, and a public figure's recognition of his homosexuality. - Source
Do not feel sorry for these predators. Even if simply clients - sex tourists - they are part of a network, an international industry. That is not a conspiracy theory - it is a fact. Which is why Lahey was stopped at the airport.
Italian Priest Uncovers Pedophile Networks
Father Di Noto, a native of Sicily, explained that with the aid of a team of volunteers, Meter discovered "a universe that is not virtual, but real, in which people can register and exchange pornographic material of minors -- photos, videos, even dates with minors -- through one of the most well known social networks in the United States."
The priest added: "There is not a nation which has not been involved. Tens of thousands of people produce, exchange and possess material, and violate children."
"This is not 'virtual' material," he asserted, "but real, so real that when you hear in the videos the children's screams of pain, when you see in the photos the faces of the newborns, you can hear the drama, the pain, the suffering." - Source
France's culture minister is struggling to keep his job amid an uproar about a 2005 book in which he details Bangkok's brothels and the pleasure and freedom of paying "boys" for sex.
Frederic Mitterrand's candid tale came back to haunt him after he jumped to the defense of filmmaker Roman Polanski, currently in a Swiss prison on U.S. charges relating to his sexual liaison with a 13-year-old girl when he was 43.
The affair is awkward for France and especially French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose embrace of non-conservatives such as Mitterrand has upset his ruling UMP party. Mitterrand's critics say it's about child sex tourism, which France's government is campaigning against. But it also involves a politician's sex life, which many French consider private business, and a public figure's recognition of his homosexuality. - Source
Do not feel sorry for these predators. Even if simply clients - sex tourists - they are part of a network, an international industry. That is not a conspiracy theory - it is a fact. Which is why Lahey was stopped at the airport.
Italian Priest Uncovers Pedophile Networks
Father Di Noto, a native of Sicily, explained that with the aid of a team of volunteers, Meter discovered "a universe that is not virtual, but real, in which people can register and exchange pornographic material of minors -- photos, videos, even dates with minors -- through one of the most well known social networks in the United States."
The priest added: "There is not a nation which has not been involved. Tens of thousands of people produce, exchange and possess material, and violate children."
"This is not 'virtual' material," he asserted, "but real, so real that when you hear in the videos the children's screams of pain, when you see in the photos the faces of the newborns, you can hear the drama, the pain, the suffering." - Source
Snow in the forecast.
This afternoon I'll be busy taking in the trees and placing them in their winter quarters until next spring. I have 3 large Boxwood spirals that have to come in as well - they're very heavy.
Just for men...
Tips on facial hair.
An easy and versatile look to pull off, sideburns are a staple on the men's fashion scene. When it comes to sideburn length, the norm is for your sideburns to end at the midpoint of your ear. Trim your sideburns with a razor or clippers, or have them trimmed when you go for a haircut. This is a great default style that's easy to maintain and remains timeless. Long sideburns really only work on younger, hipper guys.
The goatee...
If you think you look good sporting a more rugged goatee, you can try a goatee with a mid-way chinstrap, as seen on rappers (like Omarion) and athletes. (Young, hip - get it?) Basically the goatee is the same as it used to be (with or without the patch of hair right underneath the bottom lip), only it has longer sideburns that morph into what's known as a semi-"chinstrap." Keep in mind that this is NOT recommended for a day at the office -- try it out while you're on vacation or if you're going for a more rough and tough look (on the farm).
While you don't need me to elaborate further on this style, a clean-shaven look is timeless and the most appropriate look for a professional who must maintain a dignified, respectable, and mature image. You can never go wrong with a shaved face. - AskMen
An easy and versatile look to pull off, sideburns are a staple on the men's fashion scene. When it comes to sideburn length, the norm is for your sideburns to end at the midpoint of your ear. Trim your sideburns with a razor or clippers, or have them trimmed when you go for a haircut. This is a great default style that's easy to maintain and remains timeless. Long sideburns really only work on younger, hipper guys.
The goatee...
If you think you look good sporting a more rugged goatee, you can try a goatee with a mid-way chinstrap, as seen on rappers (like Omarion) and athletes. (Young, hip - get it?) Basically the goatee is the same as it used to be (with or without the patch of hair right underneath the bottom lip), only it has longer sideburns that morph into what's known as a semi-"chinstrap." Keep in mind that this is NOT recommended for a day at the office -- try it out while you're on vacation or if you're going for a more rough and tough look (on the farm).
While you don't need me to elaborate further on this style, a clean-shaven look is timeless and the most appropriate look for a professional who must maintain a dignified, respectable, and mature image. You can never go wrong with a shaved face. - AskMen
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Cathy of Alex needs a job...
In the meantime she is doing this. I know! So pray that Cathy of Recovering Dissident Catholic blog gets a good job soon. Thanks!
African Bishops Dazzled By Obama?
Don't give the man any more ideas...
Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Accra, Ghana said Wednesday that there was "a divine plan behind" Obama's election.
"It's like the biblical story repeating itself," he told reporters, citing the Old Testament figure Joseph, who after being sold into slavery in Egypt ends up becoming a top official.
"We believe God has his own plans. God directs history," he said of the U.S. election. "We pray that it (Obama's presidency) brings blessings for Africa and the whole world."
Earlier this week, the Ghanian prelate leading the three-week meeting on the Church in Africa, Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson of Cape Coast, Ghana, cited Obama's election in saying he didn't see any reason why there couldn't now be a black pope. - Source
You don't say...
Archbishop Gregory mentioned something about the possibility of there being a black Pope after Obama won the election as well.
You know of course, before John Paul II a non-Italian was hardly expected to be elected to the papacy - although non-Italians had been Popes in the past - including Africans. I may be wrong, but since when does race or nationality factor into the election of a Pontiff?
No doubt God permitted the election of Obama as President - but we are living in the New Coveneant, not the Old - so the analogy with Joseph doesn't really work for me - it sounds a little 'evangelical' if you ask me. Especially since Joseph, as a type, prefigured Christ. Now if they compared him to Antiochus Epiphanes, I could maybe understand that one.
So anyway, if there are blessings to be had, I would be willing to bet that Muslims would get the nod from Obama before African Catholics.
Preserve Innocence . . . Oppose the Jennings Nomination
This is very important. Go to the following website to act:
Quick story...
Paranoid conspiracy theorists...
I was at my lawyer's office this morning, taking care of my will and health care directives and all of that end of life crap. (No - I'm not dying, darnit.) I'm also not going to get into detailed information here, but suffice it to say I brought in a couple of Catholic healthcare directives and related proxy documents. My attorney is very knowledgeable and professional of course. So I explained the documents and my Catholic expectations. She was familiar with the documents - compared them to what she had, and explained why hers were better.
I hesitated just for a moment. I thought, "Can I believe her?" And before I could put it all together in my head she checked areas in each document for me to compare and explained specific language in my documents left open the possibility for interpretation of my intent, etc.. Like I said - I'm not going into detail on what is involved here. Nevertheless, I saw that she was/is absolutely right and I decided I'm going with her recommendations. She is the professional, she is the expert, she is working for me.
Anyway - the episode alerted me to to the fact that I'm turning into a paranoid conspiracy theorist - mistrusting absolutely everyone... And I'm pretty sure a lot of people are getting this way these days. Death-panel-phobics fighting the liberal agenda... Everyone else is the enemy. As John Allen of NCR explains something Cardinal George wrote: "...conservatives often end up in a sectarian dead-end, clinging to a narrow and triumphalistic version of Catholic identity sealed off from the surrounding culture." - Source
Man! All I can say is that I have to get out more and quit spending so much time on the stupid internet.
I was at my lawyer's office this morning, taking care of my will and health care directives and all of that end of life crap. (No - I'm not dying, darnit.) I'm also not going to get into detailed information here, but suffice it to say I brought in a couple of Catholic healthcare directives and related proxy documents. My attorney is very knowledgeable and professional of course. So I explained the documents and my Catholic expectations. She was familiar with the documents - compared them to what she had, and explained why hers were better.
I hesitated just for a moment. I thought, "Can I believe her?" And before I could put it all together in my head she checked areas in each document for me to compare and explained specific language in my documents left open the possibility for interpretation of my intent, etc.. Like I said - I'm not going into detail on what is involved here. Nevertheless, I saw that she was/is absolutely right and I decided I'm going with her recommendations. She is the professional, she is the expert, she is working for me.
Anyway - the episode alerted me to to the fact that I'm turning into a paranoid conspiracy theorist - mistrusting absolutely everyone... And I'm pretty sure a lot of people are getting this way these days. Death-panel-phobics fighting the liberal agenda... Everyone else is the enemy. As John Allen of NCR explains something Cardinal George wrote: "...conservatives often end up in a sectarian dead-end, clinging to a narrow and triumphalistic version of Catholic identity sealed off from the surrounding culture." - Source
Man! All I can say is that I have to get out more and quit spending so much time on the stupid internet.
Our Lady of the Rosary
"He must say many rosaries first..." - Our Lady of Fatima
"The sinner who has lost sanctifying grace cannot merit in this state, for sanctifying grace is the radical principle of all supernatural merit. Yet, by an actual transitory grace, the sinner can pray; he can ask the grace of conversion; and if he asks for it with humility, confidence, and perseverance, he will obtain it. Whereas merit, which is a right to a reward, is related to divine justice, prayer is addressed to the mercy of God, which often restores fallen souls and hears their prayers without any merit on their part.
... Moreover, the just man may obtain by prayer certain graces which he could not merit, in particular the gift of final perseverance. This gift cannot be merited, for it is nothing other than the continuation until death of the state of grace, which is the principle of merit. Obviously it would be impossible to merit the very principle of merit. However, final perseverance or the grace of a happy death can be obtained by humble, trusting, daily prayer.
For this reason the Church invites us to say daily with fervor in the second part of the Hail Mary; 'Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death . Amen.' Here prayer goes farther than merit, addressing itself, not to divine justice but to infinite mercy." - Three Ages of the Interior Life; Vol. I, Chapter VII: The Increase of the Life of Grace Through Prayer
Fifteen Promises of the Holy Rosary
Our Lady of the Rosary of Santiago
"The sinner who has lost sanctifying grace cannot merit in this state, for sanctifying grace is the radical principle of all supernatural merit. Yet, by an actual transitory grace, the sinner can pray; he can ask the grace of conversion; and if he asks for it with humility, confidence, and perseverance, he will obtain it. Whereas merit, which is a right to a reward, is related to divine justice, prayer is addressed to the mercy of God, which often restores fallen souls and hears their prayers without any merit on their part.
... Moreover, the just man may obtain by prayer certain graces which he could not merit, in particular the gift of final perseverance. This gift cannot be merited, for it is nothing other than the continuation until death of the state of grace, which is the principle of merit. Obviously it would be impossible to merit the very principle of merit. However, final perseverance or the grace of a happy death can be obtained by humble, trusting, daily prayer.
For this reason the Church invites us to say daily with fervor in the second part of the Hail Mary; 'Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death . Amen.' Here prayer goes farther than merit, addressing itself, not to divine justice but to infinite mercy." - Three Ages of the Interior Life; Vol. I, Chapter VII: The Increase of the Life of Grace Through Prayer
Fifteen Promises of the Holy Rosary
Our Lady of the Rosary of Santiago
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Feast of St. Bruno
[ For the Solemnity of Saint Bruno, twelve Readings were proclaimed at the Carthusian night Office (Matins). Here are two excerpts of eight of those twelve from the Apostolic Constitution, Umbratilem, by Pope Pius XI. Read more at Secret Harbor blog.]
"All those, who, according to their rule, lead a life of solitude remote from the din and follies of the world, have chosen the better part, like Mary of Bethany. They contemplate the divine mysteries and the eternal truths, and pour forth ardent and continual prayers to God that His Kingdom may flourish and be daily spread more widely. They also atone for the sins of other men still more than for their own by mortification, prescribed or voluntary. For no more perfect state and rule of life than that can be proposed for men to take up and embrace, if the Lord calls them to it. Moreover, by the inward holiness of those who lead the solitary life in the silence of the cloister and by their most intimate union with God, is kept brightly shining the halo of that holiness which the spotless Bride of Jesus Christ holds up to the admiration and imitation of all. No wonder, then, that ecclesiastical writers of former ages, wishing to explain and extol the power and efficacy of the prayers of these same religious men, liken their prayers to Moses.
... If ever it was needful that there should be anchorites of that sort in the Church of God it is most especially expedient nowadays when we see so many Christians living without a thought for the things of the next world and utterly regardless of their eternal salvation, giving reign to their desire for earthly pelf and the pleasures of the flesh and adopting and exhibiting publicly as well as in their private lives pagan manners altogether opposed to the Gospel. And there are perhaps some who still deem that the virtues which are misnamed "passive" have long grown obsolete and that the broader and more liberal exercise of active virtues should be substituted for the ancient discipline of the cloister. This opinion our predecessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, refuted, exploded and condemned; and no one can fail to see how harmful and baneful that opinion is to Christian perfection as it is taught and practiced in the Church." - Pius XI.
My regrets...
This feast day always reminds me of the many graces I have squandered and lost throughout my life, the many times I refused God the little he asked of me... Please pray for me. For "life is so short, the path leading to eternal life quite narrow, and we know the just man is scarcely saved, while the things of the world are vain and deceitful, and all comes to an end and fails like falling water. The time is uncertain, the accounting strict, perdition very easy and salvation most difficult... My life has vanished, I know well I must render an account of everything - from the beginning of my life as well as this later part - unto the last penny, when God will search Jerusalem with lighted candles, and it is already late - the day far spent - to remedy so much evil and harm..." [Adapted from John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, Stanza 1; Introduction.]
Please pray for me.
"All those, who, according to their rule, lead a life of solitude remote from the din and follies of the world, have chosen the better part, like Mary of Bethany. They contemplate the divine mysteries and the eternal truths, and pour forth ardent and continual prayers to God that His Kingdom may flourish and be daily spread more widely. They also atone for the sins of other men still more than for their own by mortification, prescribed or voluntary. For no more perfect state and rule of life than that can be proposed for men to take up and embrace, if the Lord calls them to it. Moreover, by the inward holiness of those who lead the solitary life in the silence of the cloister and by their most intimate union with God, is kept brightly shining the halo of that holiness which the spotless Bride of Jesus Christ holds up to the admiration and imitation of all. No wonder, then, that ecclesiastical writers of former ages, wishing to explain and extol the power and efficacy of the prayers of these same religious men, liken their prayers to Moses.
... If ever it was needful that there should be anchorites of that sort in the Church of God it is most especially expedient nowadays when we see so many Christians living without a thought for the things of the next world and utterly regardless of their eternal salvation, giving reign to their desire for earthly pelf and the pleasures of the flesh and adopting and exhibiting publicly as well as in their private lives pagan manners altogether opposed to the Gospel. And there are perhaps some who still deem that the virtues which are misnamed "passive" have long grown obsolete and that the broader and more liberal exercise of active virtues should be substituted for the ancient discipline of the cloister. This opinion our predecessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, refuted, exploded and condemned; and no one can fail to see how harmful and baneful that opinion is to Christian perfection as it is taught and practiced in the Church." - Pius XI.
My regrets...
This feast day always reminds me of the many graces I have squandered and lost throughout my life, the many times I refused God the little he asked of me... Please pray for me. For "life is so short, the path leading to eternal life quite narrow, and we know the just man is scarcely saved, while the things of the world are vain and deceitful, and all comes to an end and fails like falling water. The time is uncertain, the accounting strict, perdition very easy and salvation most difficult... My life has vanished, I know well I must render an account of everything - from the beginning of my life as well as this later part - unto the last penny, when God will search Jerusalem with lighted candles, and it is already late - the day far spent - to remedy so much evil and harm..." [Adapted from John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, Stanza 1; Introduction.]
Please pray for me.
Congratulations Mother Angelica!
Pope Benedict XVI has awarded EWTN foundress, Mother Mary Angelica, and Deacon Bill Steltemeier, Chairman of EWTN's Board of Governors, the Cross of Honor for distinguished service to the Church. The medal, officially known as "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" (literally "For the Church and the Pope"), is the highest honor that the Pope can bestow upon laity and religious.
The acknowledgement of Mother Angelica's work by the Pope is highly significant in light of high profile criticism that the EWTN foundress has sustained over her unwavering fidelity to the faith. Mother Angelica had to endure crushing criticism and even attempts to take over her station by various left-leaning Catholic bishops in the United States.
Bishop Robert J. Baker of Birmingham conferred the awards in a brief ceremony following Sunday benediction at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. - Source
H/T to PewsitterNews
Monday, October 05, 2009
Watch this...
Soooo stupid! Click here.
This link reminds me; as time allows, I'll be posting some more thoughts on Medjugorje as well as the Charismatic Renewal.
This link reminds me; as time allows, I'll be posting some more thoughts on Medjugorje as well as the Charismatic Renewal.
More on "what scandal does"...

“We are personally going through the passion and the death which Christ experienced, but we have not yet gone beyond death to the resurrection. It is as if we are presently sealed up in a dark tomb waiting for the power of the Spirit of God to overtake us and raise us up to a new day and a new future.” - Archbishop Anthony Mancini.
In an emotional pastoral letter read to all the Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Halifax this weekend, Archbishop Anthony Mancini responded in the strongest possible language yet to the news that Bishop Raymond Lahey was arrested for the possession and importation of child pornography last week.
“I have cried and I have silently screamed, and perhaps that was my prayer to God: Why Lord? What does this all mean? What are you asking of me and my priests? What do you want to see happen among your people? Is this a time of purification or is it nothing more than devastation? Are people going to stop believing, will faithful people stop being people of faith? Lord, what are you asking of us and how can we make it happen?"
“What I want to say is: Enough is enough! How much more can all of us take. Like you, my heart is broken, my mind is confused, my body hurts and I have moved in and out of a variety of feelings especially shame and frustration, fear and disappointment, along with a sense of vulnerability, and a tremendous poverty of spirit.” - Read more.
In an emotional pastoral letter read to all the Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Halifax this weekend, Archbishop Anthony Mancini responded in the strongest possible language yet to the news that Bishop Raymond Lahey was arrested for the possession and importation of child pornography last week.
“I have cried and I have silently screamed, and perhaps that was my prayer to God: Why Lord? What does this all mean? What are you asking of me and my priests? What do you want to see happen among your people? Is this a time of purification or is it nothing more than devastation? Are people going to stop believing, will faithful people stop being people of faith? Lord, what are you asking of us and how can we make it happen?"
“What I want to say is: Enough is enough! How much more can all of us take. Like you, my heart is broken, my mind is confused, my body hurts and I have moved in and out of a variety of feelings especially shame and frustration, fear and disappointment, along with a sense of vulnerability, and a tremendous poverty of spirit.” - Read more.
Prayer of Reparation.
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. - Devotion to the Holy Face
Sunday, October 04, 2009
I don't know what type of mushroom the top photo is, but I cut it off while mowing the lawn this evening - the "roof" is pictured immediately below the shaft. I know - everything is much too over exposed - but does anyone know what kind of mushroom this is? Are all lawn mushrooms poisonous? Below are examples from elsewhere in the yard - it has been very moist lately. I should note the lawn has gone totally organic this year - no artificial anything. Oh! Oh! I also noticed little elves running away before I captured the following specimens on film.
It seemed to me I began to shrink, and as I became even smaller, I found myself walking through the various stands of mushroom, and I'm quite certain I heard childlike voices and laughter...
It seemed to me I began to shrink, and as I became even smaller, I found myself walking through the various stands of mushroom, and I'm quite certain I heard childlike voices and laughter...
Mantilla week...

I have nothing against mantillas per se - although I think they do look dumb on some women - yet the long standing issue has been not what covers the head as much as it has been that a woman ought to have her head covered in the first place. It used to be a requirement in Canon Law that a woman was to have her head covered in Catholic churches. But for many years, devout Catholic women just stopped doing it.
That said, before Jackie Kennedy popularized it in the yankee U.S., a hat or a scarf was usually the general norm for WASC (like WASP) women. Of course, if you happened to be Hassidic - you could wear a wig. In our day of the reform of the reform and trad is top drawer, the unwritten head covering mandate for women has become synonymous with the mantilla. Even in the Philippines, when a woman wears a hat in church - some people expect her to remove it. Yeah. Only men are expected to do that. (Although bishops may wear mitres and priests may wear birettas in church.)
Of course, it is well known that in an earlier, more genteel time - such as the French Revolution (LOL!) - it was customary for women to cover their heads at all times - bonnets and veils you know. Many nuns and Amish women still do. On the other hand, in the mid-20th century, ladies frequently wore hats while indoors - at parties and the theater, and even in the office. (A gentleman always removed his however.)
Which reminds me of a very chic french woman I once knew. Madame X, who had been in the French Resistance and decorated by de Gaulle, worked for a local interior design firm, and she always wore a hat while working in the office. She also smoked while holding her cigarette between her last two fingers: "That way, cherie," she advised, "the scent of ze nicotine will not affect your lover's palate as you feed him bon-bons." She also agreed with Chanel, that the good wife should rise an hour before her husband in order to do her toilette, style her hair, and put on her make-up so he will not be disappointed when he sees her.
Mantillas are beautiful indeed - especially if the rest of your look compliments...
Good night ladies and gentlemen!
Final perseverance.

Years ago one of my spiritual directors recommended to me that I pray daily for a happy death - in other words, final perseverance. Nevertheless, at the time I was unable to view death as anything more than a liberation from earth's exile, propelling the soul into the arms of Divine Mercy. I had just assisted at my mother's happy death, and was doing so well spiritually myself (I know! Such pride!), and I had such confidence in my confidence - I didn't take Father's admonition with any sense of urgently. Although I tried obediently to add the intention to my daily prayers as he advised.
I still do - only now with a greater sense of urgency. All too often I've seen how easily the gift of faith can be lost.
"That we can never in this life be certain of our final perseverance is defined by the Council of Trent (Sess. VI, can. xvi): "Si quis magnum illud usque in finem perseverantiae donum se certo habiturum, absoluta et infallibili certitudine dixerit, nisi hoc ex speciali revelatione dedicerit, anathema sit". What places it beyond our meriting power is the obvious fact that revelation nowhere offers final perseverance, with it retinue of efficacious graces and its crown of a good death, as a reward for our actions, but, on the contrary, constantly reminds us that, as the Council of Trent puts it, "the gift of perseverance can come only from Him who has the power to confirm the standing and to raise the fallen". However, from our incapacity to certainly know and to strictly merit the great gift, we should not infer that nothing can be done towards it.
Theologians unite in saying that final perseverance comes under the impetrative power of prayer and St. Alphonsus Liguori (Prayer, the great means of Salvation) would make it the dominant note and burden of our daily petitions. The sometimes distressing presentation of the present matter in the pulpit is due to the many sides of the problem, the impossibility of viewing them all in one sermon, and the idiosyncrasies of the speakers. Nor should the timorousness of the saints, graphically described by Newman, be so construed as to contradict the admonition of the Council of Trent, that "all should place the firmest hope in the succour of God". Singularly comforting is the teaching of such saints as St. Francis de Sales (Camus, "The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales", III, xiii) and St. Catherine of Genoa (Treatise of Purgatory, iv). They dwell on God's great mercy in granting final perseverance, and even in the case of notorious sinners they do not lose hope: God suffuses the sinners' dying hour with an extraordinary light and, showing them the hideousness of sin contrasting with His own infinite beauty, He makes a final appeal to them. For those only who, even then, obstinately cling to their sin does the saying of Sirach 5:7, assume a sombre meaning "mercy and wrath quickly come from him, and his wrath looketh upon sinners". - Source
I still do - only now with a greater sense of urgency. All too often I've seen how easily the gift of faith can be lost.
"That we can never in this life be certain of our final perseverance is defined by the Council of Trent (Sess. VI, can. xvi): "Si quis magnum illud usque in finem perseverantiae donum se certo habiturum, absoluta et infallibili certitudine dixerit, nisi hoc ex speciali revelatione dedicerit, anathema sit". What places it beyond our meriting power is the obvious fact that revelation nowhere offers final perseverance, with it retinue of efficacious graces and its crown of a good death, as a reward for our actions, but, on the contrary, constantly reminds us that, as the Council of Trent puts it, "the gift of perseverance can come only from Him who has the power to confirm the standing and to raise the fallen". However, from our incapacity to certainly know and to strictly merit the great gift, we should not infer that nothing can be done towards it.
Theologians unite in saying that final perseverance comes under the impetrative power of prayer and St. Alphonsus Liguori (Prayer, the great means of Salvation) would make it the dominant note and burden of our daily petitions. The sometimes distressing presentation of the present matter in the pulpit is due to the many sides of the problem, the impossibility of viewing them all in one sermon, and the idiosyncrasies of the speakers. Nor should the timorousness of the saints, graphically described by Newman, be so construed as to contradict the admonition of the Council of Trent, that "all should place the firmest hope in the succour of God". Singularly comforting is the teaching of such saints as St. Francis de Sales (Camus, "The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales", III, xiii) and St. Catherine of Genoa (Treatise of Purgatory, iv). They dwell on God's great mercy in granting final perseverance, and even in the case of notorious sinners they do not lose hope: God suffuses the sinners' dying hour with an extraordinary light and, showing them the hideousness of sin contrasting with His own infinite beauty, He makes a final appeal to them. For those only who, even then, obstinately cling to their sin does the saying of Sirach 5:7, assume a sombre meaning "mercy and wrath quickly come from him, and his wrath looketh upon sinners". - Source
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