No, not elderly Catholics, but the schismatic sect known as Old Catholics. They date back to the 17th century. Their orders are valid, but illicit. It is my understanding that in a grave emergency, or if a Roman Catholic was in danger of death, the Old Catholic sacraments are valid. The Wild Reed has an interesting post on Old Catholics and their history, including an in-depth interview with Fr. Robert Caruso, a local Old Catholic priest. (Ed: The site is pro-gay, so if that offends you, use the Wikipedia links below for information on "Old Catholics". Neverthelesss, it is a good interview and not focused upon pro-gay issues.)
Old Catholics (Wiki link) should not be confused with the SSPX (Wiki link) or any sedevacantist group (Wiki link). (For instance, the Old Catholic church ordains women.) In the United States they are much more liberal than the most dissident of Roman Catholic churches, while they remain distinct from the so-called Liberal Catholic Church (Wiki link), which has no connection with the Roman Catholic Church whatsoever. In these confusing times, I believe it is good to know the differences.
[Photo: Ordination in an Old Catholic church.]