Saturday, June 27, 2009
Nada, nada, nada...

When I become too high minded...

"I find there are seven kinds of harm that can be incurred through vain joy in one's good works and customs, and because this harm is spiritual it is particularly ruinous.
The first is vanity, pride, vainglory, and presumption. For one is unable to rejoice over his works without esteeming them. This gives rise to boasting, the critical spirit, etc., as is said of the pharisee in the Gospel: he prayed and sought friendship with God by boasting of his fasting and performance of other good works. [Lk. 18: 11-12]
The second is usually linked with the first. It is that a person judges others - comparatively speaking - to be evil and imperfect, supposing that their deeds and works are not as good as his own." - Ascent Bk III Ch 28
Friday, June 26, 2009
Spiritual mourning.

I am the recipient of the Honest Scrap Award.

The rules:
I) Say "Thanks!" to the presenter of the award and provide a link to their blog. So, to Larry at Acts of the Apostasy: Thanks!!
II) I am expected to share 10 honest things about myself. I don't know if there are 10 things left, I've spilled my guts about everything I think. But as Larry said, "in the spirit of the award, I will comply."
Here goes:
1) I love demerol and other prescription pain relievers - I don't have any and I don't use them, but when I've had surgery and stuff, I finished my prescriptions all up like a good boy! Now that we know Michael probably died from that, I'll be more careful if I ever have to take them again. Beer and Vicodin made a good cocktail, but I never did that again after someone told me cardiac arrest is a dangerous side affect. That was a long, long time ago BTW. Oh! And I only had Demerol once in the erly '80's. Versed is nice - I had that before surgery once. My generation will be easy to euthanize if you just offer us drugs first.
2) I actually love to sing - I rarely do so in public however, but lately I have joined in when there are Catholic hymns at Mass. (I hate Protestant hymns.) When I was little I was embarrassed about singing and that kind of did me in for the rest of my life. I'm a closet singer now. The cats like it. We do the meow mix song every day at dinner time. I sing many songs in meow talk.
3) This is a big one. My age. So anyway, I was tellin' the cats, kids are people too.
4) I always wanted to be an author, but could never think of what to write. (I used part of Larry's answer here.)
5) On that note - I always wanted to win the Academy Award for Best Actor, but I have never acted - except when I had a job - I used to pretend I actually worked.
6) I've never been to Paris but I know a lot about it - I've been to the South of France however. If I could go anywhere right now I think I would go back to Italy. (I can't leave the cats however.)
7) I feel I have failed as a parent. I've never had kids, but I know I would have failed if I had.
8) My favorite foods are ribeye steak, pasta, eggplant, bread, mussels, organic salads, tempura, chocolate - but not all at once.
9) When I was little I wanted to be a Franciscan priest, then I discovered the Carmelites and I wanted to be a Carmelite priest. My dad said no and wouldn't let me enter preparatory seminary - so he had me go to public high school, where I lost the faith. (I returned to the Church in 1972 - I knew I wasn't called to be a priest by then.)
10) I regret everything. You know how people say they regret nothing? "I have no regrets." Whatever - I regret everything.
So, this is how it ends:
III) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
In no specific order I award the following blogs:
- A) Tea at Trianon
- B) Vultus Christi
- C) Fr. Z
- D) Western Confucian
- E) Rorate Caeli
- F) Fr. Blake at St. Mary Magdalen
- G) Ken at Hallowed Ground (Despite the fact he retired - it was one of the very best.)
IV) Inform those 7 that they've been awarded the 'Honest Scrap' Award.
No, I won't inform them since these blogs are not in the habit of doing memes. I also don't want to show which blogs I awarded because everyone else will feel bad I did not award them.

I really feel sad and sorry for him. I know there is "yucky" stuff in his adult life we may never know the real details of. He came out of an abusive household, he had a mean dad who exploited his own kids... To be sure he never had a normal childhood - hence he never grew up. He never became comfortable with adults, much less with his peers - he had no peers. So yeah, he was a Peter Pan guy. One of my first thoughts after I heard he had died was: "The pain is over now, the scandals and the world can't hurt you any longer." But that is how the world thinks, that isn't reality either, we tell ourselves that stuff so we can feel better about a tragic end of a tragic life.
My deepest concern is his salvation. He grew up in a false religion - Jehovah Witnesses, and reportedly, just in the last few years he turned to Islam. Obviously Jermaine did as well, since he invoked Allah to bless his deceased brother.
Death is huge. It is the culmination of our earthly life, the pinnacle of our career as it were. It is the moment we enter into our true destiny for all eternity. Eternally. Poor Michael... for all of his talents, all his riches, all his fame - his entire life had been lonely and dysfunctional - and he died numbed to his existence on Demerol. Looking back on his life, it should be no wonder he tried to recreate himself cosmetically, constructing a never, never land populated with children. No wonder the pain killers and the mental illness. He wasn't educated, he had no real religion... what happens to a soul like that when it leaves the body and comes before God? We can't know in this life.
When people I "know" die, celebrities or nobodies - I pause and pray for them. Death is the moment when whatever their lives had been, they are going to meet God, and nothing is more important than that. So I pray, because I never want anyone to be lost.
Michael Jackson is dead. He will always be honored on earth for his talent - pop culture makes it's own kings and queens and canonizes it's own saints and martyrs. But all of that passes away and perhaps on that account may be justly mourned... yet even that passes away.
We all should be conscious of our last end. It comes like a thief in the night.
Princes shall come from Ethiopia.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Exorcism - A Connecticut Yankee in the Devil's Court.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
O Mary, by thy holy and Immaculate Conception, make my body pure and my spirit holy.
"Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered, and let them that hate you, flee from before your holy face." - Numbers 10:35
Don't cry for me Argentina.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Mouse That Roared
I believe the North Koreans may be basing their war strategy on the premise of this film. North Korea is threatening to wipe the U.S. off the face of the earth... map... or something.
New Age Catholicism

Mario's big mouth.

"These are vulgar anti-gay slurs that feed a climate of hatred and intolerance toward our community," said Rashad Robinson, Senior Director of Media Programs at GLAAD. “For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, ‘The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,’ is incredibly dangerous. It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes.” - Source

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
How to get rid of vampires...

Midsummer Eve

Midsummer madness...
"As the Church appropriated and consecrated each of the pagan feasts in turn, it was inevitable that this unrestrained celebration of tumescence and fertility should be hastened into the fold: it is one of the oldest feasts introduced into both Greek and Latin liturgies to honour a saint. In keeping with the benevolent spirit of the season, the day settled on is one of the very few saint's days to mark the anniversary of the birth, rather than the death, of its namesake, John the Baptist. While solstice can technically occur anywhere between June 20 - 26th, the Christian holy day is fixed at June 24th (although, in the old way, festivities are celebrated the night before, or St. John's Eve). The precursor to Christ, it was John who baptized Jesus in the River Jordan -- for which service Jesus referred to him as: "A burning and shining light." Accordingly, the Church could in good conscience instruct congregations to light their Midsummer fires as they had always done -- if only they would turn their thoughts to St. John instead of the sun. But churchmen would find this ancient root particularly difficult to eradicate, and so the holiday continues to flourish across Europe, disguised in a threadbare Christian cloak. In the Scandinavian countries solstice is an official public holiday, celebrated for convenience' sake, on the Saturday nearest the 23rd. After the collapse of Soviet occupation, Estonia decriminalized bonfires and restored June 23rd as a national holiday. Midsummer has never really captured New World imaginations, and Hallowe'en very much remains our premier "pagan" feast." - Source
Coincidence? I just finished this post and thought 'I think I'll check to see if anyone else posted on this... now who would be most likely? Elena!' So I clicked on Tea at Trianon, and sure enough - she posted on Midsummer Eve. Read it here.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Government: The New Screwball Comedy.

NY Governor Paterson threatens to bring out the state police to force the State Senate to work together.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty balanced the State budget himself because the State Senate couldn't get their act together to do so.
Then there was the AWOL S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford - he just took a hike one day.
Remember Gov. Blago? I know!
The list goes on and ends with the Obama Administration.
Collapse - I think it is just a few laughs away. Did you know Congress recently voted themselves an increase in their office budgets? No wonder all the a-holes want to get into politics. There is money to be made.
My apologies.
Dante's Inferno - The Musical.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Speaking of Military Chaplains... Fr. Tim Vakoc +

Another fallen hero.
+Cathy informed me that Fr. Tim Vakoc died yesterday - I have no other information.+
01 June2005: On Saturday May 29, 2004, Army Major H. Timothy Vakoc, a Roman Catholic Priest, was returning from saying Mass for soldiers in Iraq when his humvee was struck by an IED (improvised explosive device) and he sustained a severe brain injury. He was treated in Germany, then Walter Reed for several months then transferred to the VA Hospital in Minneapolis. - Source
May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Photo: Fr. Vakoc saying Mass in the field.
Ray has a nice memorial here.
Priest saints

Kapaun was a chaplain assigned to the U.S. Army's Eighth Cavalry regiment, which was surrounded and overrun by the Chinese army in North Korea in October and November 1951.
Kapaun became a hero, rescuing wounded soldiers from the battlefield and risking death by preventing Chinese executions of wounded Americans too injured to walk.
By the time a helicopter delivered him to Via Christi Regional Medical Center-St. Francis Campus, his family was already frantically praying as they watched the helicopter land. Chase's skull had been cracked from ear to ear, his brain was swelling, and the danger posed by such an injury meant that either the surgery to remove a skull piece or possible infection that might follow would probably kill him.
The devil in the details.

-In Kenya an abortionist tried to poison our director;
-in Mexico, the HLI director found a knife covered with red blood-like liquid stuck in his couch with a message to stay out of abortion;
-in Austria the anti-lifers have sued our affiliate (without success) and the city government of Vienna created special laws against them;
-in the Philippines there are attacks against the character of our pro-life people and one parliamentarian called for the deportation of HLI’s Dr. Brian Clowes when he did a speaking tour there;
-in Ecuador our affiliate leader was threatened with death, satanic graffiti was put on the door of a church against us, the severed head of a dog was thrown into a church with a desecrated Sacred Host in its mouth.
Saturday Vigil Mass
