Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New film on Jesus of Nazareth

Ramon Navarro as Ben Hur, 1925

Marketing hype.

The script isn't even written and protests are beginning.  The film is only a proposed project at this stage, based upon a bad book, distorting the life of Christ, disputing Christian dogma, and so on.  Don't give it press - the more press it receives, the more likely it will make it to production.  Don't fall for the bait.

Scorsese's version flopped, but it was hugely contentious before release, Mother Angelica even calling down the wrath of God on Hollywood.  I'll bet the publicity her rants generated probably sold more tickets for the film if nothing else.

Of course people could always boycott Hollywood along with media and entertainment in general.  Or...

"I have an idea!  Let's make bumper stickers against it!"

"Oh!  And maybe some mugs too!"

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