Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mass Chat: Applause

Before.  During.  After.


  1. What did "Rudy" on "Fat Albert" used to say: NO CLASS

    Happy Clappy applause during Mass or after seems inappropriate. It seems just one more inroad of the pep rally at the gymnasium into the sanctuary . I think it all has to do with the lack of awe and reverence of most Catholic worship. I mean you look at most "wreckovations" of the past 40 years and they wanted to bring the living room into the church: carpeting, a table, earthen vessels, green plants along with endless chatter and songs you'd sing around the piano in the front room or at Lutheran VBS and then they wonder why people don't want to leave the living rooms at home. Gone is the Holy of Holies beyond the altar rail. Anyone and everyone invades the altar to be busy with "ministry" and being "sacrament" to each other. They clap in their own living rooms and gymnasiums and it doesn't occur to them that they are entering sacred space so why would they refrain from clapping in a Church?

    1. My pastor can be like a game show host some Sundays.

    2. Actually it's better than a game show cause the "audience" doesn't need a Cue to APPLAUSE! I know some presiders like to "Ham it up". You don't know if youre at CBS studios or Spirit of Life catholic faith community.

  2. My parochial vicar do the same. the congregation would clap each time he acknowledge the choir, altar servers, EMHC, lectors, and ushers etc. A couple of parishioners would call the rectory every week and ask for schedules because they hated it to attend the "clapping Mass"

    1. Haha. We get applause just for showing up.

  3. Two years ago we experienced applause for the last time in my parish.

    My predecessor was a great one for giving everyone who did anything at Mass a round of applause. My second Sunday in the parish I made an entirely appropriate reference during the homily to the lyrics of a song previously sung by the choir. Immediately some well-wishers in the congregation began clapping for the choir. While they were still clapping, I leaned into the microphone and quietly said "Stop it."

    It never happened again.


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