Saturday, October 22, 2016

So here we go ...

God bless Mark Shea but the guy who tells everyone it's okay to vote for Hillary is already jumping in and starting the opposition ...
Now that it is becoming obvious Hillary will win, it is time to turn our thoughts toward opposing the still very serious danger she poses. - Mark Shea

This crap is going to go on for the next four years!

Gimme a break.


  1. He"double toothpicks!" I bet four years will turn into eight and by then we are all marched into the town square!


  2. A lot of people are marking a lot of money off this nonsense personality based election. It will not end on Nov 8th. I predict we have entered a permanent state of "I want to be President" and you are not really President that will be every day until 2020. Impeachment of whoever wins will be a permanent movement. It will wear us all down and possibly destroy whatever government we have left. I have never been a feminist but don't you think Hillary is attacked in a way a man has never been? Her clothes, her weight, her voice. I have been thinking about history and what have other woman leaders faced? Well it is the same. A woman who seeks to lead is disparaged on all those points. She wants to be a man is the overall criticism. I am surprised to have come to this conclusion because I have never thought this before. Soon I leave our great country for a pilgrimage which will include Rome. I will remember you all in prayer and our whole country. We need prayer desperately. We are so lost at this point. The free world depends on us too. I hope to be in the Sunday crowd at St. Peter's to pray with Francis. I hope that while I am away our country somehow settles this nightmare but I doubt it. I want to be optimistic. I wonder how it will feel to view this final chapter of this campaign from afar among people who are not Americans. I wonder if I will be embarrassed. I wonder what it will be like to return. I wonder if I will want to return?

    1. May your trip bring you much peace. Have a wonderful time too. Be safe!

    2. As a non-American I can tell you I am sicksicksick of seeing Shrillary and Trumpkin every time we turn on the TV. I am sick of one of my young relatives crying on Facebook that she couldn't watch the whole debate the other night because she was upset (she loves Clinton). I am sick of Canadian news being filled every night with American campaign coverage. They should be reporting on what our moronic Prime Minister is doing (or not, as the case may be.) All that being said - we MUST pray for the conversion of our leaders so they will turn to a culture of Life. Come Holy Spirit, come by the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved spouse. AMEN!

  3. I would have given your comment on Shea's blog a thumbs up, but I'm banned from commenting there, so I'll do that here.

  4. I toned down the post by removing the labels.

    Seriously, I am so sick of the constant campaign coverage, conspiracy theories and projections of what is going to happen. This is going to get worse instead of better and bloggers will fight on in the blame game, the end times rap, and all the other craziness.

  5. It is not okay for Catholics to vote for Hillary. The only choice we have is to vote against her by voting for Trump. Any other vote will be helping her and thus helping the expansion of abortion rights. It is a mortal sin for Catholics to support pro-abortion politicians.

    1. I agree with you. In my family alone, there are many Clinton supporters and they don't blink an eye when they are made aware that to vote for her/Democrat is to vote for the culture of death. All I have gotten is, "think of the economy, think about the immigration issue ... blah, blah, blah."

      I believe the Republicans are becoming more milquetoast every day but at least I can still support them because there are still more who support life than not. Trump is still a hard pill to take though ... at least for me.

    2. I am sorry Elena but I always get a kick out of people proclaiming blanket mortal sin on everyone who may disagree with them. On what edict do you base your proclamation? It is not on my version of the catechism? Do you extend your personal thinking to Capital punishment, euthanasia, war and all life issues? Your pronouncement is not only wrong but illogical too.

    3. If you knew your Catholic faith, you would not have to ask such a foolish question.

    4. I know it well. Educated through college before Vatican II. Can you sight anywhere in catechism or cannon law that supports your position. One Bishop in US who has issued this proclamation? I think not. Your position is fine for you, I support you in that, but cannot be applied universally to everyone else. All life issues carry equal weight and should be consistently applied. Just for the record I do not support abortion with no problem. I therefore must oppose capital punishment, unjust war, euthanasia and support life affirming positions such as child care, medical care and life supporting policies. Even though I may have private objections. So Elena, focusing on one issue exclusive of all others and maintaining to disagree is a mortal sin is misleading and really just plain wrong.

    5. An article for your enlightenment:

    6. Thank you Robyn but that is non sense.

    7. Thanks, Robyn! Excellent! Here is another wise article which hopefully all voting Catholics will read!

    8. Monsignor Charles Pope does NOT speak nonsense.

      Neither does Fr. Lankeit.

  6. I liked what Father Gerald Murray had to say about Shrillary.

    He was right on about her hack's emails regarding Catholics.

  7. This is great, too.

  8. Ladies opinions are fine. Non of these men have the authority to say it is a mortal sin.


    Bishop Tobin certainty makes it clear as to our moral obligation to choose life over death. Our pastor, at my parish, spoke about the very same thing last night then led many parishioners to a nearby abortion mill to pray for one hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. I was with them in spirit since I had my mom with me and she is elderly and cannot walk far.

    Lord save your people.

    1. I agree, Yaya! It is the most basic teaching of the Church that saving innocent life in the womb should take precedent over every other issue. Every Catholic should know that unless they are have chosen to support Hillary and therefore blinded themselves.

  10. LOL! And you DO have authority to say it's NOT a mortal sin? We don't even know who you are. Archbishop Chaput has some wise words. I will listen to him over an anonymous nobody on the internet.

  11. Elena you began by proclaiming it a mortal sin to vote in a way you disagree with. You still have not proven this to be current church teaching. You seem irritated. Peace to you.

    1. I am not irritated but amused at your hubris, hubris which is cheap and easy for anonymous internet trolls. It has nothing to do with my beliefs but with church teaching, of which I have given copious examples in several articles. Peace be with you, whoever you are.


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