Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Does this sound disingeuous to you?

"As we pray for a good outcome to the election, let's make sure we include that outcome which most assures the candidates' personal salvation." - Michael Voris


  1. Not to be mean or anything, but is he still relevant? MV I mean.

    I was looking over the news of the day and I gotta tell ya, with everything that is happening worldwide, so much chaos, turmoil, darkness ... there has to be a ray of hope somewhere.

    Truly, Jesus is wise in giving Himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament. I will go and take some respite there today. Prayers for all!

    1. Thanks for the prayers Yaya.

    2. You are most welcome, Terry.

      BTW, I like this novena and prefer it over MV's suggestion. I hope you will consider posting it here on your blog for all who might be interested.

    3. Thanks Yaya - you just did.

      I advocate the rosary - daily - for the intentions of the Immaculata... for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls.

  2. I've watched the video in question and I don't believe MV is being disingenuous asking the question as it relates to Hillary Clinton. I am curious has to how it relates to Trump.What outcome best assures his salvation?

    1. I think it disingenuous for that reason as well - and because of the 'devil's daughter' connotation. It's a little self-righteous - esp. when one considers that there is a place in hell prepared for all of us. I say that because S. Teresa of Jesus actually claimed to see her 'niche' in hell in a vision.


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