Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Fun painting.

I'm working on Nativity backgrounds for a priest friend of mine.  The photo shown here is part of a series I did for a creche a few years ago.  They are fun to paint because it's all imaginative - just a landscape with romantic scenes.  I looked up my old photos to see how they compare, so far my new stuff is darker.  This kind of thing is fun to do.


  1. Beautiful, Terry! So nice to see what you're painting.

    1. Thanks - but that's one of the panels for the Cathedral, the ones I'm doing now will be seen close up so they need to be more dark. I'll photo when I'm done.

    2. I didn't recognize it standing on its own. I love those paintings in the windows.

  2. I always enjoy seeing your work Terry. Beautiful. Thanks.

  3. What a beautiful painting!

  4. I do love that sky transitioning from turquoise to deep navy with the stars. Really lovely, Terry.


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