Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pentecost Sunday

Come Holy Spirit, Living Flame of Love!
"The world and religious communities are seeking novelties in devotions, and they are neglecting true devotion to the Paraclete.  That is why there is error and disunion, and why there is no peace or light.  They do not invoke light as it should be invoked, and it is this light that gives knowledge of truth.  It is neglected even in seminaries..."  Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified, OCD; Letter to Bl. Pope Pius IX, June 1877.
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  1. Yep!
    She's right...unfortunately.
    We have a horrid streak of "Pelagianism" going on in this time (I am good of my own nature; I can be better by MY own efforts!)...
    Today is the founding day of our Institute of Saint Joseph.
    We're 23 yrs old today...the Bishop made us an association of the faithful in 1987.
    We're just "young pups" in the whole scheme of things...please pray for us; we need your prayers.
    We hope to begin to live in our new monastery in the Fall.
    If all goes well.
    There's a lot of territory to cover yet.
    Thanks. (Sorry if this ended up being about ME; all praise to God the Father, the Son, and the HOLY SPIRIT!!).
    Thanks, Terry.
    You're the best.

  2. "We're just "young pups" in the whole scheme of things...please pray for us; we need your prayers."

    Praying for you all Father.

  3. Thanks, Vincenzo.
    That is pure gold.
    I mean it.
    And for all of your prayers.
    We are beggars in the kingdom of God!


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