Monday, March 01, 2010


With a "Z"!
A friend sent me an article from The Atlantic on the Swiss euthanasiast, Ludwig Minelli.  "Over the past decade, Ludwig Minelli has helped more than 1,000 people kill themselves and has turned Zurich into the undisputed world capital of assisted suicide. Minelli sees himself as a crusader for what he calls “the last human right”—and he believes that helping more and more people to die advances his cause. Even if you believe in an absolute right to die on your own terms, how far is too far in the quest to secure that right?" 
While reading the article, the following jumped out at me:
"Minelli today is a committed atheist, but as a child he dreamt of becoming a priest, not so much to honor God as to place himself in a position to, as he later put it, 'teach people how to think.'" - Source
Isn't that curious? I was thinking along the same lines recently - that some men may have gone for ordination for this very reason, and/or to be in control, and to exercise authority over others.  At least in the case of  priests caught up in abuse scandals and erroneous teachings.
Just a theory however.
Art:  Death and Life - Gustav Klimt
Thanks to Paula for the Minelli piece.  Oh - and "With a 'Z'" is just a play on Liza with a Z - as in Minelli - it makes no sense - but for sure there is no connection to Fr. Z.  I have to explain everything now, don't I?

1 comment:

  1. I totally got that. Ludwig. With a Z.


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