Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Pope said some priests were animals ....

'You animal!'

No he didn't.

The Holy Father intended to say that some priests treat children (or possibly their unwed mothers) as “animals.” He did not say that about the priests themselves.

Works for me. 


  1. OMGosh. I remember the worst giggling fit I ever had at Mass when my brother nudged me to check out the fox wrap on the lady in front of us. That little fox did appear to be looking at us. We both started to snicker until we were totally out of control. A pinch on the thigh was not sufficent and my mother actually had to send us outside.

    1. I always wondered why or how women - who are often afraid of a little mouse - would wear a dead animal as a stole - w/head, tail, and paws.

    2. I always thought they were ugly.

  2. Pope F seems to forget that God's mercy is meaningless if one is not willing to repent of their sins- in that case it is just the grave matter of presumption. Lord truly have mercy on Pope F and us all!

    1. I realized dear Fr. that it is not good if the priest doesn't understand the pope. I feel sad about all this confusion and I'm praying for you and all priests very much, very much.

  3. Endure we must, but this phrase "the Holy Father intended to say" is getting old, or maybe that's just me.

  4. Pope Francis said priests should SMELL like animals: sheep.

    1. This morning at prayer I was thinking of all the contradictory statement that he has made and I laughed out loud.

  5. Madeline Khan was a terrific actress. Beautiful and funny, she had it going on in her day. Too bad our friend leaves her for Terry Garr in that particular movie.

    I remember Madeline died of breast cancer at a young age, (early fifties). What happened to Terry Garr? Gene Wilder?

    What ever happened to Caitlin Gender for that matter? 😆

    1. Typo ... Kahn is the correct spelling.

      Tis Monday afterall. 😑

    2. Terry Garr has MS I think. I loved her. I think Wilder is pretty frail these days. Caitlin - I dunno.

  6. LOL! Today I'm sad - it is not good to confuse the priests. Prayers for you Fr..


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