Monday, May 04, 2015

The Carthusian Martyrs

On 4th May 1535 three prominent Carthusian monks were put to death at Tyburn, along with a Bridgettine monk and a priest. They were executed for refusing to accept the King as the Supreme Head of the Church and “for writing and giving counsel against the King”. The men were John Houghton, Robert Lawrence and Augustine Webster, respectively priors of the London Charterhouse, Beauvale and Axholme – and a Bridgettine monk, Richard Reynolds of Syon Abbey. - Source

Still watching Wolf Hall on PBS.

The same challenges are with us today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terry, many thanks for the skull rosary tip.. construction is under way!!!!IWould you mind removing my comment with my son's name and address it is in the Bruce Jenner article I feel a bit nervous having it out there on the net... I have appreciated the last few articles especially the one on stealth Arianism.. how clearly was that explained by Fr. Heilman? I printed the picture and quote from St Athanasius and it is framed on my son's desk....


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