Sunday, August 05, 2012

Kissing and Kiss-ins: Ruffling feathers at Chick-fil-A

So queer!

That was how we said things back when I was in high shool.  "So queer!"  It meant something was 'lame', 'dumb', 'gay', all meaning, 'so-not-cool', back in the olden days.  And I think the expression  works quite well for the Chick-fil-A kiss-in-fail.  I came across a couple of videos which showed a few same sex couples chomping at each other's mouths in a staged kiss - it was so dumb.  Probably really gross to any kid who might have seen it.  Yet, maybe there is no shock factor any longer?  So why do something so immature? 

The staged event reminded me of one of my 'first kisses' when I was just a little, stupid kid.  One of the men who molested me tried to kiss me, sticking his tongue down my throat.  I choked, but he was intent upon 'making-out' - kissing and hugging me.  I distinctly remember how I kept squirming, protesting, "Men don't kiss each other!"  But I was a kid - it didn't matter to that guy.

It's an ugly thing to corrupt the morals of a child.  An awful, terrible sin.
"See, here you have passed by a small child, passed by in anger, with a foul word, with a wrathful soul; you perhaps did not notice the child, but he saw you, and your unsightly impious image, has remained in his defenseless heart. You did not know it, but you may have thereby planted a bad seed in him, and it may grow, all because you did not restrain yourself before the child, because you did not nurture in yourself a heedful, active love." - Dostoevsky, Brothers Karamazov; Talks and Homilies
These people circle the earth and the sea in order to train their children, and they make them children of perdition twofold more than they themselves are. [Mt: 23:15]


  1. Thing is - no feathers were ruffled. The few that showed up for the "HUGE!" kiss-in were ignored like the children they are...

    I have never had a gay friend (and the numbers are in the hundreds) who would have acted in such a way. They were lovely classy people.

  2. The kiss-in pictures I saw were very tender and sweet. And I was reminded of the first kiss-in I ever saw -- on Australian TV when I was a child. In retrospect, it was an important event in my journey as a gay person, and ultimately a positive one thanks to my mother, unbeknownst to her at the time.

    It's misleading and inappropriate, Terry, to compare your molestation as a child with two consenting adults displaying genuine affection. I'm really sorry that you were abused in the way you described, but I find it also disturbing when you project experience of abuse onto non-abusive situations and thus equate molestation and abuse with loving relationships. Would it be possible for you to stop doing that?



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm sorry for my language and responding in anger Michael. Asking your pardon.

  3. Terry,

    Just keep in mind when one views the world through the lens of a particular disorder or propensity toward such a disorder (whatever it might be) their vision of the world is then also coloured by this propensity toward disordered behaviour.

    I find such "Kiss in" behaviour to be rather immature. The first thing that came to my mind was adolescent rebelliousness. These people are caught in a flight holding pattern over the Adulthood metro area. It's arrested development. Put your light on the bushel bucket and love them & pray for them.

    1. Servus - exactly. The sheer childishness is what strikes me, too.

      It's on the same level as the "brave" pre-teen who curses in class, or the "brave" woman ho bears her breasts for beads. Or people who "bravely" vandalize signs and statues.

      I cannot imagine real civil rights activists fighting for real civil rights acting in such a childish manner. Can you see Martin Luther King encouraging people to act in such an abrasive, in-your-face way? To provoke and offend to prove a point? They had way too much class.

      Of course, this is what people think passes as "courageous" nowadays - to stand with the mainstream and offend people who disagree. Like most modern "art". It's simply silly and pathetic.

      And again, it is a far cry to protest for civil rights unjustly denied based on physical characteristics, rather than to protest for the state to invent a new institution in order to give gay sex the blessing of the state.

  4. Mr. Bayly: You are proof that mortal sin does indeed rob one of the light of grace. May God have mercy on you and your sin sick soul.

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Wow, Maria. Do you know Michael Bayly that well that you can say that he has a sick soul? Who are you to judge someone guilty of mortal sin? As I devout Catholic I am troubled by your harsh words. Mark

  5. My biggest fear is that most of these people get so far back into the darkness of the cave of sin/disorientation that they never again find their way back to the light/entrance. They go headlong toward mirages of "light" in the cave and keep going further and further and short of a miracle of grace never find their way out.

  6. Terry,

    Of course you're comparing these two different experiences. Why lift them up in the same post if that's not your intention? Or are you unmindful of even making the comparison?

    I'm sorry that I made you feel ignored by not responding to your previous request to comment on the issue of "same-sex attracted" Catholics referring to themselves as gay and/or queer. You referenced a number of people and websites in your request and I simply haven't had the time to give them the attention they deserve. I should have let you know this and not, instead, ignored your request. My apologies.



  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. susan1:12 AM

    Terry...I am so so sorry for what happened to you as a child. I truly cannot think of anything worse than that kind of stripping of the hatred and demonic selfishness of a human being alters the trajectory of a child's life. I am so desperately sorry for what you went through. I will offer my Mass for you (and for others who were abused as children) tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Susan - I appreciate the prayers. it's really not as bad as it sounds once it is behind you. For me, I believe the protection of children is tantamount.

  9. Yesterday, while reading a book review for a book I would like to read entitled, "All for the Love of Mothers" by Lisbeth Burger I found this quote from the preface which I thought spoke volumes:

    "In the preface, Father Chad Kinney wrote, “Mankind can and will only be happy on this earth as long as he faithfully respects the order established by the Creator and His most precious natural gift, human life.”


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