Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Get ready.

Fr. Z - again.

I know!

I'm not at all making fun of Fr. Z or his precautions for people to have some sort of disaster preparedness for themselves.  The other night I had a power outage - and I was happy I had battery powered lighting.  The power was out for about 3 hours.  No big deal - except I missed the rest of "Zen" - and there were only 3 episodes to begin with!  What if it lasted 3 days, or 3 weeks?  Not "Zen" but the power outage. What if I had to evacuate for some reason?

Fr. Z is not talking Armageddon, just common sense preparedness.  Like he indicated, "Remember Joplin."  You know, that town blown off the map in last year's tornado.
 Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.

I have been talking about this sort of thing for a while.

Please, dear readers, I implore you… make plans for bad things that can happen.

Plan how to meet up or where to go. Plan how to get your kids to a safe place. Plan how to eat and have drinking water, how to do basic first aid, stay warm, and protect yourselves.

Get serious and make a plan.

Confess your sins regularly. - WDTPRS

Good advice.  I'm not sure where to start.  Maybe the liquor store?


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I read this article at Dominicana today:

    And I'm wondering how to reconcile the two.

  2. I don't think there is a contradiction here. Z isn't necessarily recommending one stockpile or hoard food or supplies, but have some basic survival needs available - if possible - esp. since we may be responsible for one anothers survival in a disaster. Regardless of what we have - or have not - we are dependent upon Divine Providence for everything.

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "Regardless of what we have - or have not - we are dependent upon Divine Providence for everything."

    I agree, though I'm not always sure how to understand then how to respond to the fact of being dependent upon Divine Providence for everything. Where does my free will and responsibility begin and end?

    1. If you were going on a camping trip, you'd take provisions, right? Think of it like that.

  4. roflol. Whiskey is just SO damn heavy, but, first things first, right?

  5. Our Lord told us to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.

    I'm also thinking of the parable of the crafty steward.

  6. Terry I guess I'd shoot straight for COSTCO and THEN swing by the liquor store. lol

    These same murmurings are also being heard elsewhere. I get a "newsletter/ad" from a site selling "Three Day's of Darkness" kits (If I had the cash I'd shell out the bucks to get one to be sure)

    1. No offense - but I really get a kick out of that - 3 Days Darkness kits. I hope my friend David reads this.

    2. I know! I mean you're either ready for the Three Days of Darknes or not. I think it's more of an "interior" readiness anyway though I definately would have the blessed BEES WAX candles on hand.

    3. I've got the blessed candles just in case too. Holy water. Exorcism salt. Sacramentals. You name it.

    4. It sounds like your all set then! I have Holy Water (I keep a jug on hand)! I also have the blessed salt from my retreat last year. It sounds like we're all set.

  7. Of course we trust Providence but we also put our seat belts on when we get in the car.My nephew has a severe allergy. His parents don't just leave him to Heaven. They carry an epipen at all times.


  9. I think there's a fine line between prepared and obsessed.

  10. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Did he really say that? Fr Z ...good job I don't read that stuff #obessedfanaticintothedarksadlosttheplotdontgothereplainweird


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