Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bishop Fernando María Bargalló and his gal pal on vacation.

Old friends: Argentine priest Fernando María Bargallo, 59, was left red-faced after footage emerged of him swimming and cuddling with the blonde at a secluded luxury Mexican hideaway.

I know a couple of priests who go on vacation with their BFF's, who just happen to be women.  I know for sure they are just friends.   

On the other hand, Bargalló - I don't know.  Although, SSA men sometimes hang out with women and go on vacation with them - thus posing no problem in the chastity department.  Like I said, I know priests who've done that.  They look to me to be more than friends.

Anyway - I found the story on Rorate Caeli first, and then found the photos here.

Rorate Caeli often insists the crisis of the Church is a crisis of Bishops.  Personally - I think it is a crisis of fidelity.  We've always had self-serving bishops.  Catholics have lost the faith.


  1. sleeping by the lake3:21 PM

    it all does put on to sleep doesn't it

  2. I wonder if they left their brown scapulars at home?

  3. When the Lord returns will He find any faith on the earth? Sigh...unfaithful bishops and priests, unfaithful nuns...unfaithful laity....

    Help me to be faithful to the end as you were, Blessed Mother. And help me to atone for the sins that so offend the Sacred Heart of your Son and your own Immaculate Heart.

    1. You are correct...these are signs of day Benedict 16nth exclaimed about these..the answer is simple.Just read book of Malachy,chapter 2.Also St Paul says in 2 Cori..there will be lose of people are supporting gay marriage and all..this was the situation in sodom and gomora..

  4. It's also a crisis of taste! In the good old days the bishop would feel the lash for exposing his protuberant belly in public. So bishops can't do crunches before going to the beach?!

  5. Fr. Frank, he'll probably do crunches before going to the lava of fire.

  6. "I know a couple of priests who go on vacation with their BFF's, who just happen to be women. I know for sure they are just friends."

    So what, it's still wrong, just as it would be wrong for a husband to take some woman other than his wife on a vacation. Some acts are simply not done.

  7. So I keep asking this same question for decades now: How do such men get chosen to be bishops? I don't get it. Are the ranks of priests so far gone that such men are the best we can do? Are the Fabian Bruskowitzes and Archbishop Dwyers from a mold that was broken? What happened to modesty?

  8. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Archbishop Chaput agrees with you:

    I think it’s fair, in part, to blame Church leaders for a spirit of complacency and inertia, clericalism, even arrogance, and for operating off a model of the Church–often for well-intentioned reasons–rooted in the past and out of touch with reality. But there’s plenty of blame to go around. Too many ordinary Catholics have been greedy, losing themselves in America’s culture of consumerism and success. Too many have been complicit in the dullness–the acedia–that has seeped into Church life, and the cynicism and resentment that naturally follow it.

    These problems kill a Christian love of poverty and zeal. They choke off a real life of faith. They create the shadows that hide institutional and personal sins. And they encourage a paralysis that can burrow itself into every heart and every layer of the Church, right down to individual Catholics in the pews. The result is that Philadelphia, like so much of the Church in the rest of our country, is now really mission territory–again; for the second time.

    My point is this. We live in a world of illusions when we lose sight of who Jesus Christ really is, and what he asks from each of us as disciples. One of novelist Ray Bradbury’s characters once said, “I wonder if God recognizes his own son the way we’ve dressed him up, or is it dressed him down? He’s a regular peppermint stick now, all sugar crystal and saccharine.” Father John Hugo, a friend and counselor to Dorothy Day, put it even more forcefully when he wrote of our “falsified picture of Jesus [with his] eyes perpetually raised to heaven, soft, even girlish in beauty, [the] very incarnation of impotence.”

  9. Is it bad that when I first looked at the photo, I thought it was George Costanza?

    Cuddling is a problem. This guy could be next up on the dumped bishops list.

    1. Shrinkage might be a problem too. Is that bad to say?

    2. Bishops should lead lives in which the public shouldn't be aware that shrinkage could be a factor.

  10. I'm sure they are swimming as brother an sister...

    1. Oh! Good point. I got it - I really did.


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