Saturday, May 05, 2012

Taking refuge in the desert...

They said of a monk that the more bitterly anyone injured or assailed him, the more he was well disposed to that person, for he said, "People like this are a means to cure the faults of serious men. People who make them happy do their souls harm. For it is written. 'They who praise you deceive you.'"

Mark asked Arsenius, 'It is right, isn't it, to have nothing unnecessary in one's cell? I saw a brother who had a few cabbages, and he was rooting them out.'  Arsenius said, 'It is right, but each should do what is right for his own way of life.  If he is not strong enough to endure without the cabbages, he will plant them again.'

Photo; Simone of the Desert, Bunuel

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