Friday, November 04, 2011

The long loneliness...

I recently told someone I envy that title from Dorothy Day because it could well describe my life as well.

He and I.  I have nothing else.

Last night at adoration it was all about that.  I, alone, with the Alone.  I had to acknowledge I am an unprofitable servant - I have never even done my duty.  How completely alone that feels...

Jesus, I trust in you.

1 comment:

  1. I know I say this a lot. But Terry, you blog really gets me.

    Heh, I know an odd thing to say.

    I am struggling with some thoughts tonight, nothing major, internal stuff. So I said, "Hey me, Hi, how are you? What is new?" Then I thought, "Why would I say that to myself?" Then I thought, "wait, is thinking to myself, the same as talking to myself."

    Ok, so then I stopped. So what I said/thunk to myself was... "I need a little guidance... I wonder what Terry has to say tonight."

    And sure enough you came through. Thanks again. I owe you something, which in the blogging world is like, birdseed or something. Which I don't get, but when in Rome...

    Which makes me wonder, do progressive Catholics say something else? Since they are kinda anti-Rome. Or does it actually make more sense for them TO USE Rome?

    Anyways... thanks again.
