Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The English Martyrs: St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More

Some of my favorite saints are the English martyrs, since they suffered and died for issues not unlike those of our own day; fidelity to the Pope, the Eucharist, the defense of marriage, and so on.  In those days the priests faithful to the Church were forced underground to minister to the faithful; risking their lives to say Mass and administer the sacraments - their singular purpose being the sacred exercise of their priesthood for the salvation of souls.
Today we commemorate the feast of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, a layman.
Art:  St. John Fisher.  More images here.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    You know, however, if St Thomas More were alive and blogging today, he would be accused of being a communist liberal. Not only would his utopia be used as an example of this, but his association with Erasmus would "seal the deal."

  2. Lucky for him he was martyred then. :)

  3. The Decline of the Christian West
    Rayond Burke

    He quoted St. Thomas Moore:

    "My Lord, for every Bishop of your opinion I have a dundred Saints of mine; and for one parliament of yours, and God knows of what kind, I have all the general councils for 1000 years..."

    I love this.

  4. Hey Terry: Where is Nazareth priest. I always worry about him when he disappears. I miss him. I hope he is OK...

  5. Maria - I don't know what happened to him From now on when a priest falls off the radar screen maybe we should look under the bus? I hear they get thrown there by their bishops.

  6. Terry: LOL. The disappeared!

  7. By the way, "A Man for All Seasons" is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

  8. Re: Thomas More - "Now, more than ever."

    Re: Nazareth Priest - I don't worry about him. I assume he's busy with priest stuff. I don't trust a priest who doesn't drop off the radar screen every once in a while. Having said that, I miss him too!


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