I painted Sunday.
You aren't supposed to work on Sunday, you say?
It isn't work.
In fact it is prayer,
which is why the painting will never be any good.
I woke up during the night - several times - as if I was painting.
Blood all over - in the dream.
Other stuff I see but can't describe or account for - not in words or images.
My thanksgiving after communion is enveloped in the painting...
the painting is absorbed in communion.
I have no control over it,
which is why the painting will never be any good.
No one understood before
or after the secret was revealed...
and they won't understand the painting.
"And he took up his position by the shore of the sea." - Revelation 12: 17
You aren't supposed to work on Sunday, you say?
It isn't work.
In fact it is prayer,
which is why the painting will never be any good.
I woke up during the night - several times - as if I was painting.
Blood all over - in the dream.
Other stuff I see but can't describe or account for - not in words or images.
My thanksgiving after communion is enveloped in the painting...
the painting is absorbed in communion.
I have no control over it,
which is why the painting will never be any good.
No one understood before
or after the secret was revealed...
and they won't understand the painting.
"And he took up his position by the shore of the sea." - Revelation 12: 17
Painting is NEVER work--it's pure joy! A pastime that elevates the heart and mind, maybe from sniffing too much of the paint and turpenoid--oh, well. I like your poetry.