Saturday, March 08, 2008

Left behind...


  1. Well, all I can say is: nice suit.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    what a hoot ... timely .... Wash.Post this AM had a different angle on the disappearance (or rapture) of populations .... Of course, for Holy Week to media outlets will show depopulation programs ....

    Depopulation Boom

    Depopulation Boom
    How Long Would the World Turn Without Us? We're Dying to Know.

    "Aftermath" has this great moment at the start, when the narrator says, over scenes of cities bustling, people talking, kids laughing: "One minute from now every single person on Earth will disappear."

  3. Seeing as I'm likely to be left behind in these evangelical scenarios, I can only hope that a lot of the folks who get taken own some lake front property on Mille Lacs, Lake Minnetonka or other nearby lakes.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Terry, you better not be running around naked again. Isn't it too cold for that nonsense in MN this time of year anyway? ;)

  5. Who are you now? I don't recognize this one.

  6. Jeffrey - I don't know who he is - I just found it online.


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