Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Our Lady comes to us.

My brother was buried on this date. 

One day he confided to me (just before his illness was diagnosed 'terminal') that Our Lady had recently appeared to him in a "Flash! A second!" - while he was trying to exercise. I asked what she looked like and he described Our Lady as she is depicted upon the Miraculous Medal - the Immaculate Conception.
"Did she say anything?" I asked.
"No, she just smiled."*
"What did you think?" I inquired further.
"I don't know. I felt good... I felt at peace... I felt as if everything was going to be okay," he stammered, asking, "do you think it was her?"
"Yep! I really do. She does that - that's just how she does it sometimes, and you know it's her." I assured him.
My brother made his confession and received the sacraments shortly before he died in 1991 on the feast of Our Lady of Loreto. The way I knew in my heart that Our Lady had come for him is because he was laid to rest on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2 days later..
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee and for those who do not have recourse to thee, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to thee.

Trust Our Lady. Consecrate yourself to the Madonna. Pray the rosary every day. Our Lady is refuge of sinners: God gives the lonely a home to live in! He protects widows and orphans!

Father of the orphan, defender of the widow,
such is God in his holy place.
God gives the lonely a home to live in ...

O.L. of the Smile.
(I also think St. Therese
had a lot to do with it.)


  1. When I was at Les Buissonets I went to the gift store there and they had lots of those Lady of the Smile statues but never with the crown of stars. I'll have to keep looking. Happy Feast Day!

  2. La Virgen Morena has been a great consolation to the Mexican people and to so many form the world over. Gracious is she in her call to San Juan Diegito to go and speak with the Bishop. And the Bishop in turn realizes how precious are the indigenous people to La Morenita and especially to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    May we remember all indigenous people who to this day suffer injustices and oppression.

    Viva Cristo Rey!

    Viva la Virgencita de Guadalupe!

    Viva il Papa!

    Whenever the hear the above hymn in honor of our Lady, I am moved to tears as it is just so much a hymn of love and gratitude for her.

    1. Did you ever notice Our Lady’s hands? One hand is darker than the other, showing how she appeals to all people equally and wishes us to come together. When Mary appeared to Bernadette at Lourdes, she appeared as a 14 year old girl, 4’6” tall, just like Bernadette. In Mexico, she appeared as one of the native people. Everything about her is something that the natives can relate to, with one exception - the Crucifix around her neck.

      Our Lady is the greatest Evangelizer ever. And she does it without ever condemning anyone. 9 million Aztecs converted in 5 years and the human sacrifices immediately stopped.

      We need to learn from our most loving Blessed Mother.

  3. How interesting that your brother had and shared this experience. It must be a comfort to you.


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