Saturday, December 15, 2018

All Of Them

Hebda bars Nienstedt from celebrating Mass in Twin Cities.

Archbishop Bernard Hebda says he is troubled by the Vatican's failure to conclude an investigation into allegations that former Archbishop John Nienstedt behaved inappropriately with young men.

In a post on the archdiocese website, Hebda said that investigative materials were submitted to the Vatican in 2014, but the Vatican apparently halted any investigation of its own when Nienstedt resigned in 2015.

"Thus, the matter remains unresolved for the accusers, for Archbishop Nienstedt and for the public," Hebda wrote. "I share the frustration that is felt by them, and believe this situation highlights the need for a better-defined process and independent mechanism to resolve allegations made against bishops." - MPR

Religious fruitcakes are like dry alcoholics - you can remove the alcohol but you still have fruitcake.


  1. What are you doing? Stir Up Sunday was a couple of weeks ago! What?

    1. Haha! Did you wear your stirrup pants?

    2. Didn't make Christmas pudding.

  2. Institutional corruption is a cancer that metastasizes when left untreated. So, here we are in 2018 sliding into 2019 and our Church still is not willing to take the treatment. They still think it will just all go away. We continue to spiral down into sickness. When the collection plate and Legacy Campaigns dry up maybe someone will take notice. I hope the patient is not dead by then.


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