Tuesday, July 05, 2016

I think I'm beginning to believe in conspiracy theories ...


  1. The FBI Director, Comby, seems non-partial so I want to believe him. However, he is not the prosecutor in this process. Extreme negligence is a legal violation that anyone else would face charges on. Also, all her sworn testimony needs to be closely reviewed to determine whether or not she has perjured herself. Remember Bill's, "it depends what the meaning of is is?" This is the type of people they are. Trump is the other side of the same coin. So, who is the father of all lies? Who loves chaos, immoral or amoral behavior? I used to kid about demonic influence in this presidential election but I am now not so sure.

    1. I trust Comby. Not Hillary. Or Trump.

    2. If Trump was not so bombastic, I would swing his way but everytime he speaks it's like, "I am all about me, and me, and me, and me." Maybe he's sincere, but I have yet to see it ... I suppose my bombastic bias is just not willing to budge.

      In the meantime, there's Shrillary and her long history of "women have a right to abortion" shrill song over and over and over again. Her penchant for dark and sneaky does not help nor does that strange laughter of her's. The one thing I will credit her with is her "experience in government."

      Whatever that is.

      Yep, like Mr. WH has already said, we are in one helluva bumpy ride either way for the next four years. I am going to trust that somehow, someway, our Lord is going to use these coming events as a form of purification in order to bring his children back to Himself like he did in the Old Testament.

  2. I don't trust Comby - not anymore. Out of his own mouth were the words "extreme carelessness." What else does that mean other than "gross negligence." And if gross negligence - which is punishable - then WTH is going on w/no recommendations?!?! Psalm 146: "Do not put your trust in mortal men ... in whom there is no help." Man, that's for sure. Remember when you could put your trust in the government? When I was in high school during the Reagan years, I had such pride in our nation & trust that our government could and would do what was right. Not that our leaders were perfect, but I had pride in my nation. I have not had pride in my nation for quite some time and holding onto hope by a thread. So ... I do now take comfort in Psalm 146; a great reminder. Expectations are premeditated resentments.

    1. As commentary filters out it appears many no longer trust Comby now - although some seem to think he did more damage to Clinton than it might appear. The Clinton's get away with everything. Smooth criminals.

    2. Maybe Comby just didn't want to die in a freak nail gun accident while cleaning the bottom of his pool so he let her off.

    3. Are you saying the Clinton's might even be able to get away with murder? What?

  3. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/07/06/clinton-email-investigation-to-be-closed-with-no-criminal-charges-lynch-announces.html

    Hum ... outright bold especially after she met with Billary. So obvious some sort of deal was cut. Maybe Lynch (ironic surname) was cut some sorta deal (like if Shrillary gets into office, Ms L will stay put) or she has a few secrets of her own the Clintons are privy to.

    Either way, it is one sad state we are in with what seems like a complete disregard for honesty, integrity, doing the right thing. Instead, the Clintons continue to be shoved down our throats.
    Terry, there is a very important quote by Fulton Sheen on FB, I am going to post on here later that
    Speaks volumes about the current state of affairs.


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