Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This is very good ...

From St. Bernard:
If only those who are incapable of remaining continent would fear to profess perfection rashly and to assume the title of would without doubt have been better to marry than to burn (1 Cor 7:9), to be saved in the humble ranks of the faithful than to live less worthily in the lofty ranks of the clergy and be more severely judged...They abstain from from the remedy afforded by marriage and give themselves up to all forms of vice.  (On Conversion, a Sermon to Clerics, trans. Bernard Saïd, OSB)

I came across it on Fr. Charles' blog, A Minor Friar.  He reflects upon Amoris laetitia and celibacy - and it really helped me to come to a deeper understanding of 'consecrated celibacy' - as opposed to just being single and living a chaste, celibate life.  Consecrated life is different.

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