Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Today it's Brussels ...

Prayers for the victims and survivors of today's terrorist hits.

Pray the rosary every day for peace.
Our Lady of Banneux, pray for us.


  1. Amputations are involved as to some of the injured who when they get old, will bear that plus the usual.
    We have had three Popes now during terrorism who have access to world tv outlets. None have threatened terrorists with hell. I suggest this one do so since he rightly threatened the mafia with same. Radical Islam is worse than any criminal organization who most often are killing each others' gang members rather than innocents in the majority of cases. Jihadhists have shot kindergardeners in the back in Chechnya; threw Rudolf Klinghoffer in his wheel chair off a cruise ship; killed nearly 4000 workers n 9/11...killed people in restaurants, pizza places, at funerals, at religious services of a Shia nature, on planes, on buses. Yet the vicars of Christ can't threaten hell as Christ did several times. Brussels has 800 ISIS supporters in their suburb where the Paris murderers lived. Somehow they can't find it in their hearts to deport them...somehow our Popes can't threaten jihadhists with hell. Pope St. Pius V would have told them he was retaining their sins unto damnation until the mayhem stopped. We can't muster that just anger. This magnitude of death by the way is a monthly thing in Baghdad.

    1. Here is Pope Francis threatening the mafia with hell...


    2. Good point about condemning the Mafia and not the ISIS Jihadists.

      I just posted on Trump and Brussels - I'm now convinced this will be the thing that gets him elected.

    3. “The Holy Father again condemns the blind violence which causes so much suffering and imploring from God the gift of peace, he entrusts on the bereaved families and the Belgians the benefit of divine blessings.”
      Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State for His Holiness. March 22, 2016

    4. bg...everyone who is good condemns blind violence. It's redundant to even murmur it. Threatening with hell is something Francis did to the mafia...why not do the same toward jihadists?

    5. Condemn the jihadists, condemn the Pope for not condemning the jihadists, condemn the Pope for condemning the Mafia and not condemning the jihadists...

    6. Bill, I suspect he doesn't threaten the jihadists with Hell because he is the leader of Christians, not Muslims. The mafia is composed of baptized Catholics and he is their pope, no matter how poorly they behave. He is not the pope of Muslims, so his threatening them with Hell would be as hollow to us as the imams who threaten Christians with Hell are to us.

    7. that was supposed to end with "so his threatening them with Hell would be as hollow to them as the imams who threaten Christians with Hell are to us.

    8. bg,
      If you use your real name on the internet instead of two letters, you'll notice a change away from quick quips. Your last one evaded my question...why can Francis rightly warn mafia of hell but not do the same for jihadists if fraternal correction saves souls? Sounds like he loves the mafia more.

    9. Joshua,
      In June of 2014 the Pope excommuncated the mafia....

    10. BB I wasn’t evading the question. I presumed you already know the answer to your own question, or is it just an opinion you want others to endorse – like “Sounds like he loves the mafia more.”?

    11. Bill, you're probably right: the pope should excommunicate the jihadists.

  2. “Pray the rosary every day for peace...”

    What kind of peace would that be?

  3. So you don’t know? :)

    1. No, I really don't. I don't even know what happiness is.

    2. I appreciate your honest response.

      Are you not happy in the knowledge that you are made for God and eternity, that he loves you in all of your brokenness and wants your heart to be at peace?

      But I know there are times when we run out of wine and Mary knows this too. I’ll pray the second mystery of light tonight for your intentions, Terry.

    3. Thanks bg - I appreciate that - and you - very much. Thanks for the rosary prayers.

      With St. Therese and Job, all I can muster in response is, "Even though he should kill me, I trust him."


Please comment with charity and avoid ad hominem attacks. I exercise the right to delete comments I find inappropriate. If you use your real name there is a better chance your comment will stay put.