Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowy Novus Ordo Mass on Pennsylvania Turnpike: A Tragic Showcase of Liturgical Abuse!

March for Life Group Stranded in East Coast Storm, Celebrates Mass on Make-shift Snow Altar—

See how many abuses you can find:

1) Filthy, sweaty, stocking cap laying on the 'altar'.
2) No vestments - just albs and stoles.
-Which makes me wonder about those 'stole fees'.
3) No doubt Mass was celebrated in English.

1) No kneeling.
2) Hats on during Mass - even at the consecration.
3) Filthy snow pile altar - no evidence of corporal.
4) What are those cruets?!

1) Lay EMHC - properly deputized?
2) Communion standing, and in the hand - during a blizzard.  No thought
of fragments which would be undetectable in the snow.
3) Guitar in background - really?

1) Is that a woman priest with the sunglasses and camouflaged stole?
2) No kneeling - again.

Can you spot the others?

One can only imagine the cringe-worthy, banal music.

Shouldn't the Mass be, so to say, "super-earthly," separated from the secular world, in order to show in the world— the Kingdom of God? - Fr. Schmemann


h/t ChurchPop
h/t Aleteia

Disclaimer:  I'm totally kidding with these 'criticisms' - I think it is a beautiful testimony of faith and devotion.  


  1. LOLOLOL!!!!! ROFL!!! Oh Terry man you are totally on the ball as officer #24637 of the Catholic Church liturgical police! Are you so upset at the "nervous disorder" here, that you will forsake the Novus Ordo Mass, at least for the Triduum or even all sacraments? Ah, Bergoglio (cause we can't call a modernist, Pope) and his "God of surprises" are in high "Spirits" today lol!!!

    Just kidding. Really man, good job.

    1. Howdy - I was just thinking of you the other day - prayerfully of course! Glad you got a kick out of this!

    2. Terry .... this was too funny to pass up an opportunity to blog about this. Couldn't help myself!

    3. Awww thanks Terry! Thank you. How kind of you to pray for me. Highly appreciated.

  2. I think of it as a battlefield Mass without the bullets. There was two busloads of kids from two different places. It was more like, "We aren't going anywhere and we have a priest. Let's have Mass!" Good for them

    1. I bet that's all they thought about too ... praising Jesus in the dead of Winter Wonderland. I would have joined in were I close by. The only thing that would have bothered me was my discerning eye which gets in the way even when I don't want it to. ;)

    2. I don't think he's against what they did, but rather, how they did it. Most of his complains are things they could have easily fixed.

      For example, check out Dr. kwasniewski's post on New Liturgical Movement about how to celebrate Mass properly outdoors in the snow.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. For example, look at this alternative "stuck in the snow" Mass that the youth group from St. Saint John Cantius celebrated:

      They had it in a bar, since that's where the space was available, but they were kneeling, priests were properly vested, no Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and it was a sung, chanted Mass (with the priest chanting his parts and the congregation chanting their responses...the highest form of celebration in the roman rite).

      That's how you do a "battlefield Mass" on the road. With reverence and obedience. It's not that hard if priorities are in the right place.

    5. Thanks Ben - I wasn't against it at all - I was just spoofing it anticipating what some people online might pick apart regarding rubrics - whether in thought, word, or photo-montage.

      It was impromtu and unanticipated and it is what it is - spontaneous expression of faith and devotion and obviously devoutly celebrated.

      I haven't read the NLM piece yet - though I'm sure it was respectfully done. After posting this I noted on another blog at least one critical comment not unlike what I spoofed.

      This is what it's like on social media when it comes to the ordinary form and exceptional circumstances - that's all I was having fun with here.

      Thanks for your sincere comments - God bless you!


    6. The bus was stuck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in a blizzard. Not a bar in sight. I think their priorities were in absolutely the right place. God bless them!!!

    7. Just to be clear, I thought it was absolutely wonderful. As one who has driven in a blizzard at night in a 1963 VW Bug with no heat all by herself. :)

    8. I think it was wonderful too - it was all over the news too! Great example of faith.

    9. I think it was wonderful too - it was all over the news too! Great example of faith.

  3. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that you would even have this on your blog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hmmm...I never thought of you as snarky, Terry...until now. Disappointed.

    1. It totally wasn't meant like that - some of the young people are from my Archdiocese. Very proud of them.

    2. Hey, wait, you're in *my* archdiocese? I might actually have seen you irl?
      The priest farthest to the right baptized my oldest daughter.

    3. Terry,

      I'm with Mary Ann on this.
      You are using sarcasm (which we all do from time to time) and to me it comes off as sneering at your opponents, like me.

      btw, I think you would not find many traddies who think rubrics must be strictly followed in times of emergency. I.e. you are really knocking the stuffings out of this straw man.

      Being stranded in a snow storm, a battle, ...those are emergencies. World Youth Day is planned years in advance. That's not an emergency.

    4. Sorry - I wasn't sneering. You are going to be offended and disappointed by many people - good or bad. It's the human condition.

      My apologies.

    5. I should also mention that there have been criticisms online which sort of parallel my parody. Likewise people are complaining news spots on the Mass didn't mention the pro-life march and where and why the youth groups were traveling.

      Such an imperfect world, huh?

    6. And another thing - just kidding - but how could I be sneering at you? I don't even know who you are nor do I know anything about you. How does one personalize a post like this?

      No need to answer - it's just a rhetorical question. But it seems absurd to me - more so than the original post.

      God bless you. :)

  6. I didn't think you were criticizing the young people....

    1. Did you read what Ben had to say?

      "For example, check out Dr. kwasniewski's post on New Liturgical Movement about how to celebrate Mass properly outdoors in the snow."

      And this:For example, look at this alternative "stuck in the snow" Mass that the youth group from St. Saint John Cantius celebrated:

      They had it in a bar, since that's where the space was available, but they were kneeling, priests were properly vested, no Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and it was a sung, chanted Mass (with the priest chanting his parts and the congregation chanting their responses...the highest form of celebration in the roman rite).

      That's how you do a "battlefield Mass" on the road. With reverence and obedience. It's not that hard if priorities are in the right place."

  7. Terry - I've always known you to be just a little bit snarky. Proud of you!

    And thanks for the chuckle!

    1. I suppose - but this wasn't intended to be mean-spirited. I was thinking of how World Youth Day is so often criticized as well as large event Masses where rubrics are not always perfect. You know what I'm saying however. Thanks.

  8. Replies
    1. I might be laughing harder than you right now.


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