Saturday, February 08, 2014

Fine Art Friday On Saturday... Painted Bronze Sculpture: Wellesley Campus.

Sleepwalker - Tony Matelli

Tony Matelli

Tony Matelli creates realistic bronze sculpture.  It's so life like.

Wellesley girls don't like it.

Did you know some people have an underwear fetish?  It's really gross.  I found out about it years ago - someone showed me the personal ads in the Advocate, and there it was - men willing to trade their soiled underwear.

That's what Matelli's sculpture reminded me of.

Something like this could maybe work well in the Vatican gardens.  I would title it, The Raising of Lazarus.  It would be pretty next to the lake in LarryD's backyard too - situated as if it was walking out of the lake maybe.

Hi Kat.



  1. I think it's gross and ugly. Reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

    1. I can imagine it is going to be a great place for photos.

    2. It's just so unbelievably freaky, isn't it? To think it is public art.

  2. Oh, what a reality slap for all those hopeful young women!
    So, it's a heroic bronze of a decidedly unheroic figure in an awkward situation.
    I love how he is out in the snow.
    Poor guy is probably dreaming he is at college again and can't find his classroom, is in his underwear, in the snow, and all the young women think he is the biggest dweeb.

    1. And he's trying to get to a test ... THE test ...

  3. It would be pretty next to the lake in LarryD's backyard too - situated as if it was walking out of the lake maybe.

    Many's a time I've been seen sleepwalking out by the lake. Sometimes in my underwear...


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