Monday, February 03, 2014

A Bishop speaks on 'Pop Culture'

The greatest trick of the devil isn’t convincing the world he doesn’t exist—it’s convincing the world that Jesus Christ is the champion of his causes.
- Bishop Conley

The Bishop has a very good essay on First Things related to the Rolling Stone cover and article on Pope Francis.  It is excellent. The problem the Bishop points out is pervasive... and at times, rather subtle.
Rolling Stone and its collaborators are working to hijack the papacy of a loyal, though often unconventional, son of the Church.
The reason is simple. Sexual and social libertines have little interest in discrediting Christianity. They’re far more interested in refashioning it—in claiming Christ, and his vicar, as their supporters. The secularist social agenda is more palatable to impressionable young people if it complements, rather than competes with, the residual Christianity of their families. The enemy has no interest in eradicating Christianity if he can sublimate it to his own purposes. - Read the entire story here.

"Well-formed Catholics know that Pope Francis isn’t breaking new theological ground." - Conley


  1. What if people who regularly read Rolling Stone magazine and write for it and who live the the whole rolling stone way of life were to repent.

    My question is: would they enter into the Kingdom ahead of us?


    1. Let those without rock cast the first rolling stone

  2. Not if we killed them first.


  3. We can't rely on the Biological Solution?


    1. Woooooo! You're quick!

    2. What do you have against Bob DYlan? What?

  4. I think Bishop Conley has diagnosed what Rolling Stone is up to pretty accurately, though I would not agree that this began completely from media spin. The Holy Father is being played but he has more than helped to fuel the fires by his own words and actions, I think.


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