Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This is good: Monsignor Pope on the painful divisions in the Church:

"There is, to me, a certain sad division in the Church that has set up in recent decades that is rooted in what I think is ultimately a false dichotomy. It makes me particularly sad because I respect and esteem people in both camps. And though I hold them both in my heart, they barely speak to one another and hold one another in deep suspicion and sometimes outright contempt.
I’ll tell you what, perhaps the most discouraging thing about being a blogger and being out there is not the scorn of the secular. It is the death by a thousand cuts executed by some (thank God not most) fellow believers who nit-pick, and object that something I say is not said just they way they want it said. This is very painful and part of the cost of being out there. But think about it now, how many give way under such scorn, and fear to be “out there.” - Death By a Thousand Cuts

I love this priest - I don't say that about many.  Oh God, please don't let him become a celebrity priest!


  1. where have you been?

  2. balthasar4:16 PM

    My two favorite American priestly writers are Fr. John Hugo and Fr. Leonard Feeney.


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