Friday, July 15, 2011

New Drama - Starring Michelle Bachmann and the Pope as the AntiChrist

This is so not breaking news.
By now everyone has heard that Michelle Bachmann thinks the Pope is the anti-Christ.  Big deal.  So did the breakaway fallen priest-monk, founder of her church, Martin Luther.  Luther wasn't exactly pro-papist, pro-Catholic now was he.  Not a question.  And why does the secular press even care if she's anti-Catholic?  They don't.
I think Michelle Bachmann is pretty, and so is Sarah Palin - both of them are/were members of churches that think the Catholic Church is bad and either the Whore of Babylon or the seat of the anti-Christ.   And personally, I get the impression both of these ladies are pro-Israel because they want Armageddon ASAP in order to 'force' the rapture.  But don't hate them just because they are beautiful.
Catholics believe that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth - Luther interpreted that to mean the papacy is in effect the anti-Christ, because anyone who tries to take the place of Christ on earth is the anti-Christ.  Well something like that, but Luther was a heretic.  Bachmann is Lutheran, and very pretty.  (The poor woman didn't even know that was part of her sect's doctrine.)
From The Atlantic: Bachmann was a longtime member of the Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Stillwater, Minn., which belongs to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), a council of churches founded in 1850 that today comprises about 400,000 people. WELS is the most conservative of the major Lutheran church organizations, known for its strict adherence to the writings of Martin Luther, the German theologian who broke with the Catholic Church and launched the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. This includes endorsing Luther's statements about the papacy. From the WELS "Doctrinal Statement on the Antichrist":

Since Scripture teaches that the Antichrist would be revealed and gives the marks by which the Antichrist is to be recognized, and since this prophecy has been clearly fulfilled in the history and development of the Roman Papacy, it is Scripture which reveals that the Papacy is the Antichrist.

That's so stupid.
Art:  Engraving, Whore of Babylon.  (What if Michelle was the whor ... never mind.  Note to politicians and pundits - concentrate on real issues.)


  1. There are things I admire about both Bachmann and Palin, most particularly that they put their money where their mouth is when it comes to being pro-life. But I don't get the Israel-first crowd and that whole rapture business. And the Tea Party stuff is a huge turn-off to me. That's not to say that the Rev. Wright and the cultural Catholics who make up Obama's political coterie are anything to brag about. They are a frightening bunch, for sure. It's just that it seems impossible to find either a Catholic politician who upholds the church's teachings or a Protestant candidate who is morally on the right page when it comes to abortion and same-sex marriage but not philosophically out to lunch.

  2. "that's so stupid." succinct! lol

  3. "(The poor woman didn't even know that was part of her sect's doctrine.)"

    I'm confused. Is SHE personally anti-Catholic and thinks the pope is the Anti-Christ, or does her particular Lutheran synod believe this?

  4. I don't think she is anti-Catholic at all Merc.

  5. I don't think she's going to remain "churchless" (doesn't sit well with her pro-life message), so where do you think she will worship, Terry? Maybe she'll be taking RCIA classes soon?

  6. @Little Way -- That's why we need Bobby Jindal running for POTUS. I sure wish he'd change his mind.

  7. Jeanette, yes, you're right.


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