Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day Three of the Novena for Christmas

Prayer of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus
O my Lord Jesus,

we gaze on you as a baby

and believe that you are the Son of God,

who became man

in the womb of the Virgin Mary,

through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Just as at Bethlehem,

we too, with Mary, Joseph,

the angels and the shepherds,

adore you and acknowledge you

as our only Savior.

You became poor

to enrich us with your poverty.

Grant that we may never forget the poor

and all those who suffer.

Protect our families,

bless all the children of the world,

and grant that the love you brought us

may always reign amongst us

and lead us to a happier life.

Grant, O Jesus, that all

may recognize the truth of your birth,

so that they may know

that you came to bring

to the whole human family

light, joy and peace.

You who live and reign

with God the Father

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever.  Amen.
(Prayer of the Holy Father before the Infant Jesus of Prague)

1 comment:

  1. michael r.12:25 PM

    That is a beautiful prayer!


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