Monday, November 09, 2009

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan - the only one?

Call me crazy, but what if there are others?
What if the FBI, Military Intelligence, or Homeland Security know of others - in the military, or driving a cab in Manhattan - and haven't told one another or us.  Or what if some U.S. intelligence agency gave them a free pass so as not to be perceived as politically incorrect or racist - you know, so as not to discriminate against Muslims?  After all, the U.S. knew of Hasan's ties to a radical cleric.
There have to be others out there, doncha think?


  1. It would be called treason!

  2. Austringer10:31 AM

    Terry, yes, this IS all about political correctness. Given the information that they knew about this guy's predilictions and did nothing about it, I think we can assume that there are others. Shzeesh, the guy was even a terrible psychiatrist, trying to convert his patients. That would get you tossed out on your bum if you were a Christian, but if you are Muslim, well, you know, we don't want to seem intolerant.

    Ray, don't you know that political incorrectness is far worse than treason?

  3. As a traitor I hope he is executed rather quickly.

  4. Austringer:

    Yes, Political Correctness is far worse and far more contagious than treason.

    But unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be illegal. Certainly not with capital punishment attached to it.

  5. Austringer10:49 AM

    Ray, pretty soon the only crime that has capital punishment will be political incorrectness. This culture will not tolerate intolerance!!


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