Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obama's new opaque era of transparent government...

CDC ignoring FOIA mandate to  “restore the public’s ability to access information in a timely manner.”
Sharyl Attkisson wrote an interesting report concerning her inability to retrieve timely information regarding why the CDC issued instructions to stop testing for the Novel H1N1 flu virus.  On behalf of CBS News, Attkisson "made a simple request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for public documents, e-mails and other materials CDC used to communicate to states the decision to stop testing individual cases of Novel H1N1, or “swine flu.” When the public affairs folks at CDC refused to produce the documents and quit responding to my queries altogether, I filed a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request for the materials. Members of the news media are entitled to expedited access, which I requested, since this was for a pending news report and on an issue of public health and interest." - Source

I find it odd this story is not more prominent on network news, but rather on a CBS blog.  Perhaps it is covered in the newspapers, I don't know.  But it seems to tie in well with other reports found on more conservative websites - that something is veddy, veddy wrong with the entire pandemic diagnosis, as well as the novel vaccine to protect the public against it.
Baxter admits contamination
Million now infected in Ukraine
Photo:  (No - it's not Sr. Regina!)  Sr. Teresa Forcades - (No - it's not really Sr. Forcades either!) - Anyway - remember the Spanish physician-nun who blew the whistle on WHO and Baxter pharmaceutical in Europe?  Sister is currently discredited because of alleged pro-choice sympathies.  I know!  Story here.


  1. "odd this story is not more prominent on network news" - Not so odd if one believe that the big media has been bought and more or less serves the corporations and big gov than the it does the public. In fact rather than odd it seems to reinforce such ideas presented on the more conservative sites. No?

  2. If I had time I'd write about the group think of major media - it is especially evident with anyone associated with network news.


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