Saturday, October 24, 2009

So here's the deal...

I just read Tom of Vegas' blog and commented on his post about celebrities.  He asks:  "Here is a list of celebrities that find popularity across a wide section of the population, but have liberal political leanings, or live a life that is diametrically opposed in some way to Catholic social teaching. Are you a fan despite the incongruity or is there something about their lives that turns you off to their work?"

I liked them all, my least favorite was Martin Sheen - and he's the most Catholic.  But I liked everybody else - even though I disagree with their politics, religious views, and/or what they do in the bedroom. 
Given the chance, most people are very like-able just for who they are.  Likewise, I try to respect the opinion of other people - at least the fact that they have an opinion, that they think and feel and bleed when you knife them, you know. 
Of course, I don't agree with their position if it is in opposition to my faith and values - very rarely in my life have I ever met anyone who agrees with me on everything.  I do not insist my friends must believe as I do or else they are not my friends.  (Because I love them and know that I am right, I wish they would though.)  Nevertheless friends stop being friends with me, and often because they disagree with my faith and values.  If they push too hard, I'm no idiot, I step back of course, and maybe keep a safe distance.   Although I never try to convert them to my way of thinking, even though they can get all bent out of shape because of what I think and believe.
So anyway, when celebrities (or friends) get all militant and attack the Church or traditional morality - I will disagree and will defend myself and/or the Church if and when the opportunity presents itself.  That said, I can still like them or appreciate their work, I can still be entertained by them, laugh at them, share the same planet with them, talk to them civilly if I meet them, eat dinner with them if they like, and so on - I'm just not in bed with them.  If a celebrity or any friend decides they do not like me, or reject me, or make fun of me, that's just fine.  I'm used to it - I grew up like that.  My family never really practiced the faith since Catholic moral teaching conflicted with their lifestyle - it was good training for the world we live in.
Whatever - did you get all of that?  So get this - among the people Tom listed was Fr. Richard McBrien - believe it or not, I really like that guy.  Of course I do not agree with his liberal theology and stuff, but he is a very like-able fellow - he reminds me of my first spiritual director who had a bit of a crush on a girl friend of mine...  See, I'll go after the junk some of these people teach or represent - but I can still like the person.  (Declared enemies are another category all together of course.) 
Oh!  Oh!  I have to admit I'm not a big fan of LCWR nuns - sorry Sr. Joan Collins Chittister.  Call me a bigot if you must - but it is really more about the outfits and the hair.
I'm sure I'm wrong about all of this however.  (Wouldn't I have made a perfect husband?  "Yes honey, I'm wrong again!")

Oh.  And I'm not a fan of any of the Catholic celebs pictured in this photo either. Joan again.  LOL!  (She is.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Bono's not Catholic, btw...he's some brand of protestant...although I wonder now that the Anglicans are comin' on over....

    I really like his new "Magnificat" song--you?

  3. Terry, as always you state with grace and clarity what I feel is the proper attitude towards individuals who disagree with me on important social issues. I do defend myself and my faith, but not to the point of insults or loud shouting matches. These conditions can nullify any attempts to civilly get a point across.

    BTW, Martin Sheen is my favorite! It's Susan Sorandon that I like the least.

  4. As Fr. McBrian goes, perhaps you have seen him referring to his Church with more favorable descriptions. Unfortunately, I have not. I have seen him on many television interviews where he is highly critical of the Catholic Church. Now, I can understand having differences on some issues of beliefs. But what I can't swallow is the CONSTANT stream of criticism this man discharges against his own Church. Why??? Would we not stay loyal to those we love (at least in public) despite any errors or lapses in judgement on their part? And certainly, if it is dealing with someone we care for, we would not want anything that came from our lips to be used against them. Having said that, I am opened enough to be wrong about Fr. McBrian, which, after having written the things I did on my post, would make me feel absolutely terrible.

  5. Tom - I'm just having fun with your post - I think it is a good post too. I wasn't trying to push your buttons.

    I just used it as a springboard to express my own opinion on the subject - writing about some real friends who hate me because I think unrepentant homosexuals are going to hell - well - that is what they think I'm saying whenever I write about the subject and they also believe I'm writing personally to them.

    People like Fr. McBrien have made fun of my Catholicism for years - he can go to hell too if he wants.

  6. Georgette - I just assumed - Irish and all of that - meeting the pope and Sr. Joan, you know. But no - I am really not a fan. Did I ever mention I like Sinead O'Connor though?

  7. Belinda - I like non-religious people much more than I do religious people - always have.

  8. Terry: I have experienced more charity and kindness from "non-believers" than from my "own", at times. Kinda like the official Jesus said had more faith than He had found in all of Israel (or something like that).
    Disagreement on issues is one thing; but to attack our Holy Father, a bishop or priest, or any Catholic who is speaking the Truth out of just pure ugliness or spite; and to deride the Church's teaching (ALL of them I might add, on life and social justice) just sets me off.
    And Sr. Joan?
    She needs some, well, spiritual help.

  9. I like Rev McBrien too - he's great to point at and laugh. Now, I don't hate the guy, but he certainly goes out of his way to fashion a religion in which he can ascribe. I hope I don't lead as many people astray in my life as he seems to be.

    Terry - you're a hoot. Sinead O'Connor?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Terry, are you sure that Sr. Joan and Martin Sheen are not one in the same person? I mean, looking at her picture, the resemblance is remarkable.

  12. Larry - she had me with "Nothing Compares to You"

    Didgit - that is uncanny! But no - Sheen did a film on Fatima once - Joan wouldn't be caught dead with her name mentioned in the same sentence.

    Fr. - I can tell you get my drift.

  13. Terry, my friend, not buttons pressed:0) Least of all over Fr. McB.

    As I wrote in my first comment, your attitude towards the folks I mentioned on my post and others like them is right on the money. I think my choice of words towards Father McB. might have been a little too strong, now that I think about it. It's not the first time I miscalculate the impact words can have.

  14. I'm relieved Tom! You are always kind and polite - so no - your words were not too harsh regarding McBrien.

  15. +JMJ+

    I may not like Maria Shriver, but I'm a huge Arnold Schwarzenegger fan. =P

    And while I never cared for Bono or the rest of U2, I've always been (not-so-)secretly happy that John Taylor of Duran Duran is a cradle Catholic. I also recently found out that Andy Taylor's wife is a very fervent Catholic, even though her rock star husband wants little to do with organised religion. It makes me glad for him, for some reason.


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