Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Come, let us contrive a plot... Jeremiah 18

Meddling on the web.
Some people watch other people on the web. They keep a sharp eye, often to discredit or catch another in error. Yes, I get most of my material that way. However, I really do not set out to dig up dirt - I just happen across stuff that certain people freely acknowledge on their sites, stuff which strikes me funny or a bit odd sometimes. Others must have noticed as well, since they will comment on it. Although the more discerning, if they were to discuss such revelations at all, would do so privately. When it doesn't concern serious matter, I'll often discuss it publicly; not maliciously, but to explore the inconsistencies of human nature - at least that is what I tell myself. I've always been fascinated by such behavior, growing up as I did in a terribly dysfunctional household of lies and pretensions, so I sometimes cannot resist pointing out similar deceptions. I suppose it is my way of saying, "No one is going to fool me again." I also find it amusing, but I have to be very careful... For one thing - not everyone gets my humor. Secondly, I have a tendency to lapse and relapse and re-relapse into inappropriate humor and sarcasm... which is unfortunate. I'm trying to do better.
After all is said and done however, one must acknowledge that the web has given us all the ability to live our lives publicly now - many of us reveal our most intimate thoughts and aspirations online; we imprudently parade our sins and faults before others, often dressed in sincere, albeit indiscreet pious sentiments of repentance; on some level, many of us have become virtual exhibitionists. Sometimes we can be caught off-guard, diverted from real life by gazing Narcissus-like at the image we present through our posts. Then we can spend even more time looking for responses, checking the hit counter, lurking on other sites. This is social connectivity at its worst. (Naturally, there is very good, helpful stuff out there, not all bloggers do that stuff... or do you?)
Nevertheless, it is to be expected others will form opinions of us based upon what they read or view on our sites. One should not be surprised therefore if one is misunderstood, or when one receives criticism, inappropriate comments, or, God forbid, becomes the subject of gossip. We put ourselves out there.
"Help us ever to withdraw from hurtful things and guide us toward those which are wholesome." Hurtful things: the Latin text calls them something closer to toxic, or noxious, meaning poisonous! It is hard sometimes for us to pull away from the very things that threaten to poison us. - Fr. Mark


Do yourself a favor this Lent and read Vultus Christi. It is extremely rare to find a blog of such spiritual depth and authentic Catholic mysticism online. Each post is a rich, spiritual treasure.


  1. "After all is said and done however, one must acknowledge that the web has given us all the ability to live our lives publicly now - many of us reveal our most intimate thoughts and aspirations online; we imprudently parade our sins and faults before others, often dressed in sincere, albeit indiscreet pious sentiments of repentance; on some level, many of us have become virtual exhibitionists."


    I have quit going to sites that have become forums for the author to whine about every little thought they ever had. Included are the sites with shameless self-promotion (aren't I great!), or are rude to the people who comment.

    Not included are the folks who laugh at themselves and the general human condition. That would be you, Terry. From time to time you "report the news" about yourself with humor. God loves you and so do I!

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I'll check out the blog, and I like your picture--the eyes in the windows, and the almost shadow of the man in the background, makes one want to contemplate what's going on--sometimes with my art--I felt it was too revealing of what my REAL emotions were--makes me nervous to paint.

  3. Adrienne - I thought you were talking about me! Whew! Thanks for your kind words. At adoration today I had even greater insight on the log that is blocking my vision.

    Tara - I have to get you bon my blogroll - I'm still upadating.

    I know exactly what you mean about paintings too revealing. I need shock treatment after every exhibition of my own.


Please comment with charity and avoid ad hominem attacks. I exercise the right to delete comments I find inappropriate. If you use your real name there is a better chance your comment will stay put.