Wednesday, November 09, 2022

In the Father's Hands

Machado de Castro National Museum, Coimbra Photo: Manuel Mira Godinho (2014).*

When I feel quite lost and alone, I remember that I am not out of the Father's hands.  This image reminded me of paintings of the Father holding the dead Christ, and today it suddenly became for me my assurance and my peace.  Although all seems lost and things seem to be collapsing around me and I feel utterly alone, this image reminds me that I - we - are held (together) in the Father's embrace.  "...and the gates of the nether world shall not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)

God is our refuge and our strength,

an ever present help in distress, 

Therefore, we fear not, though the earth be shaken

and mountains plunge into the depths of the sea. - Ps 46

*The image is actually a detail of a Pieta - the Mother of Sorrows holding her Son. When I first viewed this particular image, my mind immediately went to the image of the Father receiving the Body of Jesus which is often portrayed in images of the Blessed Trinity. 


  1. I have a fear of being alone, although our good St. Francis, who was a cheerful extrovert, often went off by himself for weeks to be alone with God - and I want to be like him. I try to remember that when God seems to be depriving me of anything, He may be preparing me for something on the horizon - a new situation, or perhaps a challenge. I expect that sounds a bit scattered, but I trust you understand.

    I just found out something quite shocking and painful about something that happened to someone I loved with all my heart, who died 36 years ago. There is nothing I can do about it but grieve. But something she told people whom she knew were hurt or unsettled stays with me: "God must love you very much to send you such suffering, since He suffered so much Himself." This, from a woman with a 3rd grade education. It is profound and true.

    I hope you find comfort, my dear brother. Peace and good to you - Susan

    1. Thank you. Truly this thought is my comfort - I want so much to live from now on by faith and love. Knowing the Father holds me in existence - it's a wonderful consolation.

  2. In the end this is all that matters. The mess we are in will continue. Men are unable to create a perfect world. Original sin will be with us to the end. On Veterans Day we remember with reverence that men and woman gave their life’s to stand against the powers of greed & authoritarian men. We have been the beneficiaries. That battle continues. All we, at our age, can do is live the values in our small patch. We are never alone in that. Let our legacy be that we kept the light burning that our forefathers passed to us.

  3. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27


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