Friday, October 19, 2018

The Third Vigano Testimony ... Holy Crap!

The Archbishop chose the Feast of the North American Martyrs
to release his latest letter, directly referencing today's Gospel:
"There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed..."

Now what? (Ed. note: Slightly edited to update.)

I just don't know - his testimony released today seems very difficult to refute or deny, and I dare say that precisely because it is the testimony of an old man, repenting of his neglects.  Reading the following is deeply moving - for me at least - since I too "am an old man, one who knows he must soon give an accounting to the Judge for his actions and omissions, one who fears Him who can cast body and soul into hell."
To bear witness to corruption in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church was a painful decision for me, and remains so. But I am an old man, one who knows he must soon give an accounting to the Judge for his actions and omissions, one who fears Him who can cast body and soul into hell. A Judge who, even in his infinite mercy, will render to every person salvation or damnation according to what he has deserved. Anticipating the dreadful question from that Judge — “How could you, who had knowledge of the truth, keep silent in the midst of falsehood and depravity?” — what answer could I give? - Source
Say what you will, I find all of this troubling, to be sure, but I appreciate very much  the Archbishop's statement of fidelity to Pope Francis: "I pray every day for Pope Francis — more than I have ever done for the other popes."

I pray every day for the Holy Father as well.  He is the reigning Pontiff and sweet vicar of Christ on earth.

That being said, I have to make clear that I can't support the following statement made by the Archbishop:
“Pope Francis himself has either colluded in this corruption, or, knowing what he does, is gravely negligent in failing to oppose it and uproot it,” Viganò said. - Crux
This comes very close to calumny, since it implies that the Pope is part of a conspiracy or lobby, determined to undermine the Faith.  To make public statements such as that is a terrible scandal and a sign that something is off with the Vigano testimony.  I can't accept it.

The other day I read something similar at another site, by a notorious author whose career has been taken up with exposing a 'rampant homosexual subculture' in the Church, proposing it as an actual cult or rite of sodomy.  Many facts and documentation of scandalous behavior by clergy appear to back up this author's research and allegations.  It is also part of the anti-Vatican II propaganda to discredit the Council and the Novus Ordo.  Somehow the Vigano testimony seems to have been incorporated into that machine, which has been focused upon Pope Francis from the moment he stepped out onto the balcony of St. Peter's after his election.  I maybe guilty of over-simplifying this, but the Vigano testimony is surely being used to discredit the Pope, and it fits perfectly into their narrative.

As the Holy Father has said in the past, there may be lobbies - be they Masonic or gay - but he points the finger at clericalism, and I think he is right.  Although, even poor Fr. Z is being led astray in all of this, defending Vigano's exile into hiding from the sodoclericalist posse out to get him, with this outrageous claim:

Again, Viganò has uncovered the root of The Present Crisis: homosexuals and homosexual predation – with the sodoclericalism that results.
I think we have to make a distinction between clericalism and sodoclericalism.
Do make regular prayer for Archbp. Viganò part of your daily routine.  When he issued his first piece, he went into hiding.  Some might think that that is a little melodramatic.  However, I know for a factthat homosexuals and mafiosi and all manner of dangerous actors run together, for their interests overlap.  In Vatican circles, people can turn up dead.  HERE  It also happens far out of Vatican circles but within the Church when it comes to unmasking the powerful and their homosexual depredations.  HERE  When it came to McCarrick, one person was afraid of winding up at the bottom of the Potomac. HERE  Archbp. Viganò has good reason to be afraid.  Homosexual crime is among the most brutal that law enforcement and medical responders see. - Fr. Z
These sensationalized conversations are not even Christian.


  1. I am beyond upset. I am now numb. Corruption surrounds us from the parish to the village hall. Let them all be exposed from the Vatican to the White House, it will change nothing since most people do not care enough to make it matter. I am looking for an appropriate saint to ask for prayers. Any suggestions anyone!

    1. Catherine of Siena seems to me to be the saint we need right now.

    2. Thank you Terry. I need to read up about her and her contribution to our vast communion of saints.

  2. I sent my donation and list of deceased family and friends to the Carmalite Monastery in Colorado Springs for remembrance during November Masses. Now that seems important as I too get closer to that day when I will be on the list too!

  3. How many more long winded missives is Vigano going to make public before he demands to be made Pope?

    1. He has lost all credibility as far as I am concerned and I don't even amount for much. Poor man, how many times is he going to rehash the same stuff over and over? Where is the proof except his word?

      He is like a roller coaster sadly ... just my opinion.

      Innocent until proven guilty as far as our Holy Father is concerned.

      P.S. Cardinal Ouellet's word was solid as far as Vigano goes.

  4. Hi guys - I edited this for clarity on where I stand after reading some outrageous stuff supporting Vigano.

    1. This old Vigano news is non-troubling for me nowadays. Bills to pay, prayers to be said, family squabbles to be mended, daily duty to fulfill.

      The Lord of Truth will sort it all out ... that's all that matters since his ways are unblemished and pure.

    2. I feel exactly the same way - in the end, the Lord will prevail.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. How long before Fr Z Trade Mark's Sodoclericalism™ and puts it on a coffee mug...

  6. There were sanctions similar to the ones imposed on him now but they were secret...ah, but they were not sanctions similar to the ones imposed now and they were well-known by an array of people, but let us not quibble dear brethren about the technicalities, for that is pure legalism...I publicly call for the Pope's resignation...but ah, I call for the Pope to repent and take back up his commission - let us pray dear brethren for his conversion whose papacy I am not looking to topple! Ah, the long travail of my conscience!


    V's series of letters are becoming more and more apparent as a means of getting the reader to narrow in on a timeline where there is none. It is pure illusion dependent upon the excising of greater information, the whole story, and the fullness of truth. So ironic.

    I remember a really good priest writer on the internet who sadly apparently doesn't write anymore saying to "watch people's preoccupation". It's a very good piece of advice.

    1. Please don't delete this one my friend!

  7. Interesting that Zuhlsdorf asks us to pray for Viganò, The only time Zuhlsdorf ever asked for prayers for Pope Francis was when he said it was fine to pray for the Pope’s death.

    You are much kinder than I am, Terry. No one has led Zuhlsdorf astray. He knows exactly what he is doing. But he is sure leading lots of people astray.

    Paul Stillwell got it exactly right about Viganò.

    This is a demonic attack against the Papacy. There is no doubt of that.

    1. I agree - it is so clever and that is the greatest evidence of diabolic delusion.

    2. I agree with both Mary and Paul. I am of the opinion that those of us who support our Holy Father are viewed as the ones who are under demonic delusion. Scoffed at too, for not supporting Vigano's accusations. In good conscience, I am unable to do so.

    3. Same here - in good conscience I am unable to do so as well.


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