Sunday, August 26, 2018

Vigano lost me here ...

Babbo ... sweet Christ on earth.

It is a complete absurdity to give credence to a statement such as the following:
June of 2013, only a few months after Francis’s election — one notes that Viganò never says he explicitly mentioned any specific allegation against McCarrick. He also does a good deal of reading between the lines, and attributes motive:
I began the conversation, asking the Pope what he intended to say to me with the words he had addressed to me when I greeted him the previous Friday. And the Pope, in a very different, friendly, almost affectionate tone, said to me: “Yes, the Bishops in the United States must not be ideologized, they must not be right-wing like the Archbishop of Philadelphia, (the Pope did not give me the name of the Archbishop) they must be shepherds; and they must not be left-wing — and he added, raising both arms — and when I say left-wing I mean homosexual.” Of course, the logic of the correlation between being left-wing and being homosexual escaped me, but I added nothing else. - CWR

Okay then.  I'm fine now.

A man's enemies will be those of his own household. - Matt 10:36

Remember the saints who lived through anti-papist and schismatic times.  Some of them made mistakes about which pope was true, others, Like Catherine of Siena kept her eyes upon the true Pope, because she prayed and lived in intimate union with Christ, she stood by the Pope, united to the Church.  The Pope is Christ's vicar and as Our Lady pointed out, just like her Son, he will have much to suffer.  I seriously never expected the Pope would suffer this, not in modern times.  Talk about the Devil's final battle!  So we must pray and remain faithful to the Church, come what may.

This may be what the ugly side of clericalism looks like when threatened with reform.  I may be wrong, but I stand with our 'sweet Christ on earth'.

The following helps me to know my place when it comes to the current crisis of bishops:

"Only the Pope could correct the defects of the priests," (in Catherine's day), and not the laity who should always revere them, since Christ left to the Apostle Peter and his successors the key of His Blood, from which all the Sacraments gain life.  (Of course the author is speaking in the historical context - I used it here to point out that it remains true that only the pope can discipline bishops.)  "The Pope, with ardent faith recognised by Catherine as "sweet Christ on earth" and called with tender affection "My kindest daddy" is asked to work strongly for the reform of the Church. "Intervene to eliminate the stink of the ministers of the Holy Church; pull out the stinking flowers and plant scented plants, virtuous men who fear God". - S. Caterina and Priests.


  1. You can know a man by the company he keeps. This is what the New York Times reported today:

    "Since his return to Rome, Archbishop Viganò has run with a crowd of traditionalist Catholics deeply critical of Pope Francis and recently attended a raucous meeting of anti-Francis prelates and faithful in the basement of a Rome hotel, where he could be seen talking to the Lifesite news reporter who translated the letter into English."

  2. Since his return to Rome, Archbishop Viganò has run with a crowd of traditionalist Catholics deeply critical of Pope Francis and recently attended a raucous meeting of anti-Francis prelates and faithful in the basement of a Rome hotel, where he could be seen talking to the Lifesite news reporter who translated the letter into English."

    Who is the source of this information? No citation is given. "Run with a crowd..." "a raucous meeting"...

    It seems innuendo and gossip are bad when employed by those we disagree with but it's virtuous when it is used by those who affirm our own biases and suppositions.

    Let's let the evidence be investigated and sorted out before we make a judgement on who is telling the truth. Let's pray that the Holy Spirit guide the Church at this difficult time.

  3. It is always good to have confirmation, I agree. So I guess you can reject that if you want, but there is the little matter that Lifesitenews is an original source of this story. Vigano gave his memo to them.

    There is also very little to confirm the statements of Archbishop Vigano. I did a little investigating. It has never been reported anywhere that Pope Benedict imposed sanctions on McCarrick. Vigano is the only person to have ever made this statement. A big problem with the time frame he gives is that the sanctions were imposed sometime in 2009 or 2010 (even Vigano doesn't know when this supposedly happened). The sanctions included no public Masses, no traveling, etc. But then there is is this article in which it is reported that Cardinal McCarrick ordained a couple of priests in New York in 2011. What?

  4. And the Holy Father lost me here ...

    Former nuncio Viganò claims he told you about the abuses committed by Cardinal McCarrick. Is that true?

    "I read that Viganò statement this morning. I say this sincerely: read it carefully and judge for yourselves. I am not going to say a word about that. I believe that the document speaks for itself. You have the journalistic ability to draw conclusions, with your professional maturity. "

    I lack journalistic maturity and I don't want to draw conclusions because if I just take literally what Papa Francis has said, "no comment" (well, practically) I am upset and disappointed with his reply.

    Maybe, once he gets back home, he will ponder the accusations, pray over them, and then give a much more acceptable reply. One that won't give us reason to doubt nor to speculate. He was probably tired, weary, sleepy, hungry ...

    I don't know anymore but I will hope for the best and know our Lord Jesus will take care of it in the end whatever the outcome. I just want to be prepared just in case.

    Just my disappointed two cents.

    1. We are all disappointed with his failure to respond. I no longer know what to think. Every prayer, every gaze upon Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is heavily cloaked in sadness and sorrow and deepest contrition.

  5. This video gives me a much needed consolation for its truth and encouragement. No matter what happens, I am not leaving my faith nor the Catholic Church, the Bride of Christ.

    1. I'm not going anyplace either. To whom would we go? I am more steady this morning as I've read some good factual-historical evidence that several thing Vigano asserts are false - likewise, the pope's refusal to speak is perhaps he knows that there is evidence against the Vigano claims. Some are even speculating that the pope is simply standing in silence, turning the other cheek, as it were, sort of like Christ silent before Pilate. I don't want to get too pious about this, but it is a real test of faith on so many levels, but we keep our eyes fixed on Christ in the Eucharist and OL of the Rosary... without private revelations telling us what to think BTW. They can't be trusted either. ;)

  6. "Only the Pope could correct the defects of the priests, and not the laity who should always revere them": Terry, this sounds like dangerous clericalism to me. The reverence for priests is what allowed a lot of predators to have unquestioned access to children. St. Catherine of Siena and I tend not to see eye to eye.

    1. You are right - I repeated it verbatim, but what it says does apply to bishops, I think only the pope can discipline bishops. Although a bishop is the one to correct a priest. Of course civil authorities need to be involved in criminal cases and so on. You are right though - this is dangerous clericalism when understood literally - esp. now when it is difficult to revere any person in the Church, as bad as things have turned out.


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