Thursday, August 30, 2018

Catholics need to 'Man Up' I guess.

A beard is a beard is a beard.

Buck up their swords and polish their shields.*

I didn't realize Fr. Longenecker does Catholic Man conferences.  In his latest article he has some decent advice - and not just for men I guess.  I know, it's just his handle, like his pop-Catholic advice.  One dumb idea after another - he blamed Brother Sun, Sister Moon for effete seminarians and priests last week.  I'm glad I'm not the only crackpot online.  Anyway, his latest is just so, so - though somewhat dismissive - I suppose it fits the Catholic man-talk strategy.

I say respond, react to the scandals any way you like - just let the hierarchy know you want straight answers and that you want to see reform.  In the meantime amuse yourselves, talk among yourselves, and enjoy the drama.

It's a great time to be Catholic, so long as one is content with a sufficiency and not worried about cashing in.

*Wait - I think I read that book.


  1. If you need a good laugh:

    They've done some good work lately, but not this time...

    1. I saw that ... I know for sure what to stay away from.

      I then found this piece and remembered what I must be about:

    2. Hi Scott - and I laugh.

    3. Yaya - I've got to make light of a great deal now - it's just getting down to the old food fight between the same factions online right now. It's like an old Western movie with an unceasing bar fight. Dueling divas.

    4. True ... I read the other day that Vigano has gone into hiding because "he feared for his life."

      My initial reaction was "wow, talk about drama queen."

      Three day weekend for Labor day! Enjoy the last weekend of Summer every one!

  2. Terry!!!!!! I miss you!!!!!!


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